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The Ultimate Red Sox Fan

(10/31/13 8:11pm)

A world series win appears to have been too much for this history professor, who felt compelled to send his class this fever-dream of an email at 4 am last night. We're all for team pride, but no occasion calls for one to refer to himself as "Daddy Professor." The Top Five Strangest Moments 1. The part where he lampoons kindergarteners for not being deserving sports fans 2. The part where he describes his bed time ritual. 3. The part where "Mummy" calls him crazy and we wonder... 4.The part where he decided writing this email was a good idea. 5. "Daddy Professor"  spooky

FroGro Is A No-go

(10/21/13 8:37pm)

Fresh Grocer's looking a little sparse these days as it transitions into new ownership. For the past few weeks the Frogro famine has disappointed and confused even students accustomed to wandering aimlessly down aisles that have an astounding lack of organizational sense (Feature Coming Soon!). Shop aware, the hard times seem to be continuing as shelves are still being re-stocked and shifted. It should be ending soon, then again it is FroGro.

(10/21/13 2:01pm)

Advanced Registration Is Open--It's time to prepare your system rigging strategies and give Penn InTouch enough time to crash when you most need it. No worries, you have until November 3rd to stress and continually change your mind.

Dead Presidents Society

(10/15/13 4:52pm)

In an effort to one-up the other Ivies, Amy Guttman has resurrected our 34th President, and past Pres. of Columbia University (suck it Lions), to teach an intimate 15 person seminar on Communication and the Presidency. Dwight D. Eisenhower has returned to take over his grandson's class and give us a weekly three hour chance to hear from the man whose campaign inspired this commercial. Watch it once, sing it for a lifetime. We like IKE!

(10/11/13 5:41pm)

It's Fall Break Bitchesss--To celebrate everyone's favorite academic hiatus, we at UTB have decided to give these two days in October a little more zest. Check in all day for our take on Sprall Break (If Spring Break and Fall Break had a love child).

The Perelman Possum

(10/02/13 4:10pm)

Not content to restrict their donations to quads and building, the Perelman family has finally expanded into adorning our campus with alliterative animals. Meet Perry, the Perelman Quad Possum (or opossum for those who like to be technical about it), who lurks in corners outside of Houston and scurries out to eat only the finest trash. Seen Perry around campus? Send us a tip and be sure to treat him with the respect he deserves.

The Past Comes To Penn

(09/29/13 7:18pm)

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Society for Creative Anachronism (what you probably refer to as SCA), is hosting its near weekly event outside of the Rotunda. Don your Medieval best and enjoy some free snacks, interesting conversation, and Renaissance raging. Not to worry, loaner costumes are on hand for those who left their chainmail at home with their winter coats.

Invasion Of The Huts

(09/18/13 9:21pm)

It's that time of year again. No, not the time when girls trade in their sundresses for leather jackets and guys keep wearing them gym shorts (though it's that time too). We're referring mainly to Sukkahthon. For the second year in a row, groups of  students all around campus have grabbed their power drills, and built huts just sturdy enough to withstand a medium strength gust of wind.

Inhale Without Fear

(09/04/13 3:00pm)

Van Pelt, the library famous for mysterious odors emanating from all steps in the food consumption process, has decided to fight back. Be warned eaters of sandwiches like the one pictured above, the Rosengarten Computer Lab isn't the place for you. Go back to Mark's where you belong, or risk understanding the meaning behind "limited ventilation."

Super Swanky Spirit Shop

(08/29/13 7:25pm)

As a welcome back surprise, the Fine Wine & Good Spirits located on 19th and Chestnut has been replaced by a sophisticated new branch on 20th and Market. The new shop is conveniently placed next to the grocery haven of Trader Joe's, and is still far enough from campus to allow you to consider your alcohol run a workout. Warning to all of you baby-faced 27 year olds, the new locale takes itself quite seriously.
