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So Flingin' Excited!

(04/08/13 8:04pm)

Countdown: four days! Or two, if you're planning on going hard starting Wednesday. Or zero, if you do that every day anyway. Jazz & Grooves released a promo for their Saturday In The Quad concert, featuring Delorean, Gigamesh (not the ancient play you read in 9th grade - that's GiLgamesh), Autre Ne Veut and more. Come on, look at how much fun your fellow Quakers are having in this video! Makes us want to dance! Sure to be a good time.

New College House On Hill Field

(03/18/13 4:17pm)

In case you missed it, Penn has been buzzing with news about a new college house on Hill Field. The new building, which will include a dining hall, music practice rooms and lounges, will start construction in January and be ready in fall 2016...when only the frosh will still be here. This six-floor paradise will fit 350 Quakers of all ages. Is it just us or does Hill not seem that far away when it has air conditioning?

Sexy New Food Truck On Walnut

(02/25/13 9:06pm)

Penn students are always searching for new, exotic food trucks to try out. UTB is right there with you, and we've gotten news of the hottest new food truck in University City. Located in the back of a sketchy van on the corner of 40th and Walnut, this unnamed eatery has everything you want... if all you want is questionable pies. With a diverse tasting menu of bean pies, apple bean pies, or sweet potato pies it's perfect for a hot date, late night study session, or a place to take your grandparents when they come visit you. Just be careful, don't let this happen to you.

Locust Hawk Returns (And She’s Still Feisty)

(02/18/13 8:45pm)

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife: Countess is back! The sassy Locust Hawk was seen striking a heroic pose outside of Hill yesterday. Maybe she heard that there would be thousands of pre-frosh touring Penn during President’s Day weekend and wanted to terrorize some kiddies. Remember, guys, stay on the lookout for Big C and don't let this happen to you.
