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Penn Police Hiring, UTB Now Craving Doughnuts

(10/29/13 6:40pm)

While UTB was perusing PoliceOne.com, we struck gold—Penn’s police department is currently hiring police officers.   Now, everyone’s dream of walking home that pretty lil' lady from writing seminar while feeding her a Wawa cherry-filled doughnut and "accidentally" tasering her "serious" boyfriend can come true.  Oh, that's just our dream?  That’s cool, we guess…

Button Looks Soo Zooey Deschanel Today

(10/18/13 6:15pm)

Just like an angsty high schooler, our beloved button is going through one of its phases again. We had the preppy phase  when it wore that bright pink bow, the “sceney” phase  when it kept hanging out with Tabard chicks, and the punk phase when it was covered in grafitti.  From the looks of these muted floral prints, it appears that the button is going through its pseudo-hippie Anthropologie phase.

(10/10/13 7:12pm)

Attention Penn Musicians--Tomorrow is the last day to enter the Blutt Band Slam, a competition for musically inclined Quakers to show their stuff during Homecoming Weekend.  The winning act will receive $1000 donated by alum Mitchell Blutt, famous for his work as a physician-businessman totally unfunny name that does not all remind us of butts.
