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(01/23/12 3:48pm)

Still Trynna See Jeff Mangum?–Well, you're in luck (maybe)! Around 20 or so more tickets are going on sale at noon today. Judging from how quickly they sold out last time (35 seconds), feel free not to tell your friends.

Winter Whartonland 2k11: Photo Caption Contest

(12/13/11 5:25pm)

We love caption contests. We also (secretly) love Whartonites. Caption contests and Whartonites together? That's GOLDman Sachs, baby. We present to you UTB's official photo recap of Winter Whartonland 2011, a gingerbread-house decorating, snowflake-snogging study break that went down last Thursday in Huntsman's Baker Forum. Check out all photos (with captions!) after the jump, plus one without a caption we want YOU to make up for us.

Meet The Mayors: Chili's

(12/08/11 5:34pm)

[Disclaimer: Papyrus is such a joke. So is this post.] It's been awhile, but we're back with a new edition of Meet The Mayors! This week, we investigate a place no man*, mayor (on Foursquare, for all you rock-dwellers out there) or Penn student** has ever gone before: Chili's. The mayor in question is Lance B., a 32-year old ex-artist and LPS student from Laurel, MS.

(11/25/11 10:41pm)

Black Friday Photo Shoot--Did you lose hours of tryptophan-induced sleep to indulge in your inner bargain shopper today? Snap any muploads of soccer moms gone wild? Send 'em to us! Tips[at]underthebutton.com.

Insane In The Mem-Brain Science

(11/16/11 12:38am)

Penetration isn't always a good thing. Take electrodes, for example--neuroscientists have been surgically implanting electrodes into mice and rats to study their inner brain activity for decades. While the procedure is considered widely acceptable for small rodents, the idea of having sharp things jabbed inside your own brain just to, like, save lives or whatever, may not be so pleasant.

(11/15/11 2:45pm)

American Apparel On The Cheap--This Groupon gives you $50 worth of American Apparel merch for $25 (or $100 worth for $50). Score! What's better is that you can buy two (aka your Christmas shopping just got cut in half). Snag this up before the deal ends on 11/20.

Coming This Week: Cory Doctorow

(11/14/11 9:55pm)

In continuation of the whole, "Hey we're Penn, and hot celebrities love us" phase, Canadian-British blogger and sexting connoisseur Cory Doctorow will be here this Thursday for some good ol' Q & A. As the author of several science fiction novels and other short stories, it'd be easy to assume this talk is Trekkies-only, but--trust us--there's more to Doctorow than meets the Eye of Sauron. Here are five factoids about this co-editor of Boing Boing you may not know already:  He was born in Toronto and raised in a Jewish activist household. One of his novels, titled For The Win, centers around video games and economics (please refrain from all "Econ majors FTW!!!" jokes). He was listed as one of Forbes' top Web Celebs from 2007-2010. That's like, forever in Internet years (aka this dude is internet famous FOR REAL). He can tell you whether or not your search history is actually anonymous (that one time we got high and googled how to make a nuclear weapon totally doesn't count, right?) and what it takes to be an "uber blogger." Yay, technology! He has a three-year-old daughter named Poesy Emmeline Fibonacci Nautilus Taylor Doctorow. The event will be held in JMHH 245 at 5 p.m. and is 100% open to the public. Let us know if you end up going and, more importantly, if his daughter has a nickname.

(11/03/11 6:04pm)

Not into the Homecoming hype? -- Visit the Penn Museum this Sunday to "Travel The World With Games" instead! If the riveting title doesn't convince you, there will be a 10,000(!!!)-piece domino rally. We love watching people things fall.
