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(11/09/11 12:20am)

Penn Teaches For America—  As you may know, the first round of TFA decisions came out today. If you were hired, where will you be going? Share with us on our Facebook Page! We learned how to use the nifty "Questions" function so it's really easy to answer.

Amy's Architectural Afternoon At A Building Bar Mitzvah

(11/08/11 10:36pm)

An eagle-eyed tipster spotted Amy today attending a "topping out" ceremony for the new Nanotechnology Center on Walnut. Topping out, our architecture friends tell us, is a traditional ceremonial gathering to watch the installation of the last beam of a new building. Think of it as a Building Bar Mitzvah; a life-cycle milestone between breaking ground (the building's bris, if you will), and cutting the ribbon (the wedding...of Penn... to nanotechnology).

A Campus Full Of Huntsman Halls

(11/04/11 4:27pm)

You'll see in today's DP that a new building is coming to the Biopond area of campus, (oddly?) described as the "Huntsman Hall for life-science students." It's basically any and all "Living World" requirements in one place, housing the good Psychology, BBB and biology stuff. It makes us think: what other campus lifestyles do we wish could just be in one place? The "Huntsman Hall" of Relaxation: A new de-stress center featuring haircuts from Adolph Biecker (no more schlepping to 34th), Kiwi fro-yo and the Bursar-able massages from Pottruck. The "Huntsman Hall" of Munchies: McDonald's, Wawa and Allegro. Location: inside of Smoke's. We'll make it work. The "Huntsman Hall" of Downtowns: G lounge, Level and Palmer Social all in one convenient building on Beige Block. Never have to worry about leaving a coat behind again! Unfortunately, the Roxxxy will still be a million miles away. The "Huntsman Hall" of Huntsman Hall: Featuring Brooks Brothers, the OCR Suite and Occupy Philly all in one happy room.

(11/04/11 4:13pm)

There Will Be a Senior Beer Garden At Homecoming— In case you automatically delete all emails from Jibran Khan (what? never!), we just want to give you the heads up on Saturday's free beer situation. To get into the seniors-only tent you have to register by tonight at 11:59 p.m here, but if you miss that there's also free booze in Houston at 10 p.m. Rage?

Rush Limbaugh Hates Penn

(11/03/11 3:29pm)

Rush Limbaugh thinks you're stupid if you major in Classics, especially if you do so at the trailer park of the Ivies. In his radio program Monday, he took an inordinate amount of time to thoroughly defecate on the idea of being a "sad-sack" scholar going to college and studying, well, pretty much anything that isn't "law or medicine." After going on a very long rant about (what else?) Karl Marx, he gets to discussing a real-life example of a Classics department: ours.

The Dining Low-Down

(10/31/11 2:46pm)

The way we eat at dining halls is changing a little bit, and whether or not you want to debate the cause, we all must be prepared to make the most out of mealtimes. Upperclassmen, if you haven't heard, it's becoming substantially harder to get swiped in by jailbait pledges younger friends deserving of your mentorship. We've got the scoop on the direction meal swipes are headed, plus some creative ways to get around the new restrictions.

(10/30/11 12:05am)

Hey College House Dwellers— Isn't it annoying trying to remember how to log into Penn Laundry Alert? We put a permanent link to the site on our left-hand sidebar to help you out— no password required! Now your biggest problem is fending off your off-campus laundry moocher friends.

(10/29/11 5:35pm)

It's Gross Out— Want something to warm your heart? Read this precious DP article about ZBT's Halloween party for Comegys Elementary School students. Seriously. It's precious. We're not even kidding.

Whoa, Hey, Abed From Community Is Coming To Speak

(10/25/11 3:31pm)

Penn's team effort to bring bomb speakers this fall continues on a fabulous roll with Danny Pudi, the actor who plays super-weirdo Abed on Community. The Asian-Pacific Student Coalition and Penn Sangam really knocked it out of the park with this one: only $5 a ticket (well, for the lucky first 50 people) gets you dinner and the talk in the intimate setting of Houston's Ben Franklin Room. Tickets are only on sale Thursday from noon to 5 p.m., so get your act together and grab 'em before they go all James Franco on us.

Two Girls, One Street

(10/24/11 4:25pm)

Talk about family drama— The Daily has a piece up today about two twins who ended up on opposite sides of the Occupy Wall Street fence. One sister, Nicole, has been integral to the logistical and organization efforts of the protesters, while the other, Jill, works in financial consulting. The occupying sister went to Brown. Guess where Jill went? Wonder what she thought about this weekend.

Fall Senior Societies

(10/23/11 7:19pm)

Graffiti and smokers and pledging, oh my! It's time for our favorite biannual journey through the movers and shakers of our fair university. Who made it into the fall classes of Penn's senior societies? Find out after the jump, duh. And this year, for the first time ever, stay tuned soon for the Oracle, Onyx, Cipactli and Hexagon inductees later on. Hooray networking!

(10/22/11 8:30pm)

Are you the Pierre François Léonard Fontaine of the Quad? Did you get really sick deals on Craigslist furniture for your off-campus place? Street wants to see your housing masterpieces! Enter the Penn Cribs contest  to show off your digs and have a chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

La Vie Is Back

(10/11/11 1:32pm)

Just in time for cooler weather, the mysterious smoothie truck is open for business at 38th and Walnut. We'd heard it was scooting around campus, but this is the first time we've seen it in action. Finally, a way to avoid the awkwardness of going to Pottruck just to get a smoothie.
