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Penn In Washington?

(06/08/11 1:48pm)

We know there's a Penn In Washington program, but this doesn't seem to be it. When you click on this random "University of Pennsylvania, Inc" you get some building near the Capitol. Further research reveals it is the home of the Office of Federal Relations under the Office of Government and Community Affairs, whose website says they're "charged with monitoring and promoting general and targeted opportunities to expand support for federal policies and programs upon which the University depends."

(06/06/11 1:34pm)

A Small Daily Intel Penn Shoutout To Start You Week— This bizarre article about a German 16-year-old's birthday party boasts an even more bizarre rant about the Penn debate team's trip to NYU.

Your Crime Update

(06/06/11 1:17pm)

In case you haven't seen the latest Trulia data, here is how dangerous they've deemed our area in crime incidents per year. Red is worse. and the numbers in the circles count repeat action at the same intersection (aka shocking, 40th and Walnut had multiple crimes). Maybe this is why the university thinks you will be mugged.

Penn Blowin' Up NYT

(05/31/11 2:02pm)

This weekend marked a high point in Penn media relevance. As if a replay of Denzel's speech on CSPAN wasn't enough, we were mentioned in five (!) different  New York Times articles. The rundown: A Chinese student got rejected from Columbia ED so her parents paid a "college admissions consulting company" $15,000 to fix her application. Guess where she ended up. How is this legal? Being part of the Tennessee Ford family isn't easy, especially when both your parents go to jail. Luckily, this Penn prefrosh overcame a bad situation and rocked the writing world. Yo, come write for us! Hookah is bad for you. Like, really bad. Let's use a random Penn kid to illustrate its popularity on campuses. It was a great weekend for Penn grad students: an aspiring lawyer wed a potential PhD Saturday and Holy Cross alums with Penn master's degrees got married on Sunday.

Well, This Is Awkward

(05/28/11 2:28pm)

Brought to you by Penn libraries and the vast abyss that is Twitter. A quick Google search reveals the book is Negotiating Difference: Race, Gender and the Politics of Personality by former Penn prof Michael Awkward. He probably hates when people make jokes about— GUYS, WHAT IF HE HAD A TURTLE? IT WOULD BE AN AWKWARD TURTLE OMG.

(05/27/11 8:43pm)

Ashley Hebert Is Playing Hide-And-Go-Seek With Us— Homegirl was spotted again today, this time in Saxby's of all places! Unfortunately, when we inquired about her visit, the barista confessed he'd never heard of the Bachelorette. Cue any joke about Saxby's lacking culture. If anyone sees her, send a picture already!

Tornadoes Hit Home

(05/26/11 5:44pm)

For some Penn students, tornadoes are not just breaking news or an excuse to get annoyed at Obama. To rising Wharton junior Scott Dzialo, tornadoes meant one thing: destruction. The above image is a shot of his father's distribution center for Vanity Fair Corporation in Hackleburg, Alabama—or, rather, what's left of it.

(05/26/11 5:06pm)

An Extremely Useful Post On VisitPhilly — Check out their guide to hotel pools around the city. We're not encouraging breaking in and using them, but sometimes breaking into the Sheraton gets old.

(05/24/11 7:33pm)

Is The Bachelorette On Campus? -- One tipster has reported seeing Ashley Hebert and two dudes on campus today, which would make sense given her status as a Dental School alum. Past that, though, we know nothing. Have you seen anything? Help us out!

In Which We Think About Our Readers

(05/20/11 7:01pm)

Yo, readers. Listen up. We're here on the internet for the summer and we're not going anywhere, but we know you guys are off doing all sorts of things. What sorts of things, exactly, is what we'd like to know so we can post the stuff that you're gonna find worthwhile. After all, why would we post cool Philly summer events if no one's gonna be there? Why would we find cool stuff to distract you at your internship if you're doing the most meaningful work of your life? We're tryna make this work for you. So give us a heads-up: what's going on for summer 2011?
