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(04/30/11 2:27pm)

Puppies Are So Trendy Right Now -- The latest round is coming to Houston Hall from 2:30-4:30 p.m. tomorrow. And they're seeing eye dogs in training, so like, you're helping the world while snuggling cuteness.

(04/27/11 4:53pm)

In Totally Relevant Aqua News -- The Thai/Malaysian karaoke experience is BYO again! Just with an $8 corking fee. That may or may not defeat the purpose of going to Aqua for the cheap factor, but hey. They still have a liquor license so they'll also sell you drinks if you forget to bring some along.

We Want Wantworthy

(04/21/11 3:34pm)

Not everyone has to invent a new Google or Foursquare to make the internet a little better; sometimes, you just need a mildly useful gadget to get you through the day. Enter Wantworthy, founded by a Penn senior to ease the pain of being hopelessly materialistic. It's your one-stop shop for all the stupid shit you want to buy online!

(04/18/11 3:12pm)

Passover Resources -- Confused about how to do Passover outside of Westchester at Penn? Hillel's got all the info here so you'll never have to seder alone. Stay tuned for some Easter updates later in the week. Seriously!

(04/13/11 3:23am)

The Power's Out Around 40th And Walnut -- Not like we have any idea why or for how long. This includes Smoke's! So basically, go stock up on bomb-shelter items and stop wasting precious battery power reading this post.

(04/08/11 7:23pm)

Another Way To Win Floor Passes -- Sad your Jackson Pollock interpretation didn't win our Fling contest? SPEC says you can try the blind luck approach and sign up for their listserv here. A winner of two floor passes will be chosen at random provided you sign up before midnight Sunday; people who were already on the list are already in the running.
