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I've Done Some Modeling

(03/26/14 4:40pm)

We know what you’re thinking. And yes, Professor McGonagall did go to Penn! Just joking, but that would’ve been awesome. This anonymous Penn model dates back to the 1890’s. We’re not sure whether she’s trying to do a sexy open-mouth thing or if she’s grimacing from pain and/or constipation. Regardless, she looks pretty good in her black frock and Princess Leia buns. If only this 19th Century Heidi Klum lived to see the day of Moncler jackets and Hunter boots, she probably would’ve looked, like, totally cool.

Just Joustin'

(03/20/14 9:05pm)

Hear ye, hear ye: sword fighting is so totally in right now. In our grand tradition of sharing pictures of pledges doing things, here’s a photo of a couple of Penn students partaking in the centuries old tradition of jousting. Why study for that post-spring break midterm when you can blow off some steam by prancing around in tights? (We’re totally digging the harlequin’s checkered pantsuit.) Maybe these kids were under the PV sun rays for a little too long, but props to their bravery in fashion choices.

Assortive Mating? All the Cool Kids Are Doing It

(03/01/14 6:15pm)

At least one professor at Penn knows what college is really about: finding your future spouse, duh. A recent study by Penn's Econ department shows that "assertive mating," or the tendency for high-income college-educated men and women to marry each other, leads to greater income inequality in the US. Who knew that roaming Huntsman Hall to find "the one" could be so destructive?

Rule #1: Don't Fall In Love With Her

(02/21/14 2:44pm)

Still a bit down after your Valentine’s Day? Our favorite morally ambiguous hipster haven totally understands. Urban Outfitters apparently put this lovely mannequin on sale, and she’s half-off in every way. Just slap Scarlett Johansson’s face on there Her- style and you should be fine for any date night or after hours loneliness in VP. Cash only though…this girl’s a real classy lady.
