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Capogiro Coitus

(02/04/14 2:14pm)

AWwWWwWWWW yyyEEEEaaAHhh, you and your special fella just got a moment alone. Time to flatten him like a pancake and whisper him some sweet nothings, 'cause Valentine's Day is coming up and he smells like Old Spice! Except your moment alone is actually in the fishbowl-iest dining establishment on campus, and, is that even a comfortable position?

Errybody In The Blog Gettin' Tipsy

(01/16/14 3:30pm)

It's second semester, which means stress, rush, food, stress-food, stress-sex and sex-food. We want to know about all of it. Remember, UTB is your place to turn for up-to-the minute campus news and gossip, but we get by with a little help from our friends! Our handy tip box over to the right is the place to (anonymously!) keep us in the know. So tip it, tip it good.

Perry The Possum May Have Been Several Possums

(12/06/13 2:32pm)

While this may seem to be some Joke Day farce, we promise you, we're for real this time. A recent sighting of Perry the Possum has thrown us into emotional turmoil. It can't be, we thought to ourselves. That fluffy head, those beady eyes. We thought you were DEAD, Perry! We thought you were IMPALED by a Quad-adjacent fencepost! Are you the Tupac Shakur of Possums?? Then we wised up. This is real life. Perry is dead. And his ghost looks just like him and will haunt Perelman Quad for aaaallll tiiiiime!

Ice Menorah In Front of Van Pelt

(12/04/13 5:18pm)

Man, we haven't seen an ice menorah that impressive since our beleaguered ancestors were being forced out of frigid Eastern Europe by the Cossack armies! After all, nothing says "Jews, your holiday is over, time for the Christian/secular masses to go apeshit over Christmas for the next month" quite like ice in 50 degree weather. Are the tiki-torches sadder than the menorah itself? Discuss.

The Search for the Golden Shovel

(11/20/13 3:22pm)

It's a sad tale heard all too frequently: It's Homecoming. You're dedicating a tree (classic Homecoming), you've got your three engraved golden shovels, and you get distracted from the opulence by a passing squirrel/possum/drunk freshman. Suddenly, one of your tremendous trowels has wandered off, as if by magic! (Classic shovel behavior.) You send several mass emails, desperately trying to locate it. Two weeks pass and it still has not been found.

No Leaf Left Behind

(11/15/13 3:25pm)

If you woke up later than 10 this morning, you may have looked out your coveted high rise window and wonder where all the leaves had gone. Here's the answer: they were sucked up by giant machines, spit into a massive pile, loaded into a truck, and carted off to parts unknown (Drexel?) Ah, nothing says "fall" like the mechanized removal of dead, mummified chlorophyll that once symbolized everything fresh and new.
