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Watch What You Eat!

(03/20/12 3:46pm)

These new TVs now located on the floor of Houston Market just might distract you from the slowly rising prices. (Zing!) These screens, coupled with the ones already in the seating area, could make Houston the new Crave. Update: Apparently these nifty things were installed in all of the dining halls on campus. Which is great news, because we didn't know what tomatoes looked like before.

Organized Non-Religion

(02/23/12 4:07pm)

Yesterday, Friendly Atheist shed light on a new Penn group, Rekindle Reason: Atheists, Agnostics, and Freethinkers, which aims to give atheist and agnostic members of the Penn community an open forum for discussion. While we applaud the group for filling an obvious void in Penn's religious scene, we must admit that certain parts of its mission statement come off as intolerant and, quite frankly, offensive.

Annenberg Cuts Lincoln Some Flack

(02/22/12 8:06pm)

Last month, we told you about the Annenberg Public Policy Center's FlackCheck.org, a satirical website aimed at holding politicians accountable for all the ridiculous things they say. To prove their point, these guys have created a running series of mock ad campaigns pitted against Abraham Lincoln, debatably the most popular president in US history, designed as if he were running for office today.

Hemming Way: The Stock Also Rises

(02/21/12 5:34pm)

Earlier this month, Business Insider compiled a list of the 29 Most Bizarre Economic Indicators in the World, with "The Hemline Index" at #7. This theory, presented by former Wharton professor George Taylor, maintains that economic fluctuations—in stock prices and GDP—manifest themselves in the lengths of women's skirt and dress hemlines. ("Um, does this skirt make the economy look fat?")

New Site Lets You Clip It For Later

(02/10/12 6:05pm)

Developed with the help of a bunch of Penn grads and current students, Clipix makes the recent bookmarking craze more about organizing your own personal life, rather than sharing and re-sharing the same cat breading pictures with your network. The site's intended as a saving tool that allows you to eventually revisit the overwhelming amount of stuff you find on the web during SOCI235.

People Who Went To Penn: Willis Nelson Cummings

(02/01/12 6:45pm)

In honor of Black History Month, UTB would like to shed light on a very influential Penn alumnus, Willis Nelson Cummings. During his time at the Penn Dental School, Cummings became the first African American captain of any varsity team in the Ivy League, and upon graduation in 1919, he was the first African American admitted into the national dental society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon.

Luke-ing For Love (In All The Wrong Places)

(01/31/12 8:49pm)

This is Luke Kelly. He's in love. The only problem is, he won't shut up about it the girl of his dreams lives 5000 miles away in Brazil. And he's seen her only once since his balls dropped. Nevertheless, Luke is determined to track down his Brazilian biddie and profess his love for her. But he's really making the whole ordeal into a huge production. Literally.

Annenberg Makes A Funny

(01/25/12 7:02pm)

You've probably by now heard of FactCheck.org (it's okay if you haven't), the Annenberg Public Policy Center's nonprofit website "that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics." But now that this site is all grown up, winning awards, and on its way to a good college, APPC is putting all its energy into its new baby, FlackCheck.org, launched just a few weeks ago. Like its big brother, FlackCheck attempts to hold politicians and media coverage accountable for what they say, but in true lil sib fashion, drops the straight-laced formalities and does so using humor and parody. With running features like the sad-but-hilarious "Could Lincoln Be Elected Today?", satirical debate and media watches, and a bunch of snarky videos, FlackCheck's got your back during this election season.
