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Really?!? With Seth And SPEC Connaissance

(03/02/10 5:23am)

We've just received word that Seth Meyers, current head writer of Saturday Night Live, will be this year's spring SPEC Connaissance Speaker. According to a SPEC press release, Seth "will discuss his experiences as an actor and comedian" March 18th at 8 p.m., in Irvine Auditorium. It's no live Weekend Update, but it sure beats another boring politician.

Vaginas Go Viral

(02/01/10 3:33pm)

In honor of the first day of Vagina Season, we bring you the V Board's attempt at viral marketing. Yeah, it's a tad long, but the footage of Hub Bub's Drew Crockett, excessive Street and UTB shoutouts and the amazingness that is the Vagina Monologues make it well worth the seven minutes you'd normally spend on Facebook.

Penn for Haiti

(01/19/10 10:02pm)

UPDATE: The University is no longer accepting donations to relief initiatives in Haiti in check form.  The Makuu Cultural Center will be accepting cash donations throughout the semester and splitting the money between two agencies: UNICEF and the Haitian Professionals of Philadelphia.

UTB Tech Support: The BlackBerry/Googlegroups Conundrum

(12/09/09 10:56pm)

The Penn community loves listservs. We also love abusing listservs. But for once, clogged inboxes and smartphones on constant vibrate aren't the fault of Claire Klieger and Al Filreis. Recently, it seems many, if not all, emails sent from BlackBerrys to GoogleGroup listservs are followed up by a "Your message was delivered to the recipient" blast to the entire group. Annoying.

It's Just About Time To Act Interested In Penn Athletics Again

(11/16/09 3:14pm)

We are the champions! The football team brought home a 17-7 win over Harvard on Saturday, which guarantees Penn at least a share of the Ivy League Championship. Perhaps more importantly, the team (and Penn football's six-year championship dry spell) was profiled by the New York Times on Friday. The story delves into the emotional hurdles the team has faced since Al Bagnoli took over as coach (grab some Kleenex), but it seems to us that - as of Saturday - the football boys are nothing but cigars and smiles.
