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Feminist Hero? This Man Just Said his Female Classmate had 'A Good Point'


Photo by Lucas Weiner / The Daily Pennsylvanian

During a lively debate in last Tuesday’s Gender and History recitation, College junior James Mora followed his classmate’s comment on scholar Rachel McKinnon’s theories of feminism and epistemology by telling her that her ideas were really interesting.

“I just wanted her to know I heard what she said, and I was impressed,” Mora said. “I didn’t do the readings, but from what I understand that was actually a pretty good synthesis and a unique take on the issue.”

Mariana McDonald (C’20), the classmate in question, agreed that it was a good point. “I just kind of looked at him like, okay dude,” the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies major said.

Mora said that he can’t always come to class because he is working on a startup with some of his friends. Still, though, he assured us that he has extensive knowledge of the concepts on the syllabus from the podcasts he listens to, which have had female guests on before. "Sometimes I think about how society used to be sexist and I'm like, woah. That must have sucked."

“As someone with a mom—and a sister—I think I bring a really interesting perspective to class,” he said. “I’m always impressed when other people in class can keep up. That’s why I complimented Mariana—she should be proud of herself, because that was actually a great point.” 
