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It’s Time Someone Colonized This Little Brown Girl


Photo by Meresa García // The Daily Pennsylvanian 

As a daughter of Mexican immigrants, I understand the importance of proudly displaying as well as defending my heritage. I am aware of the horrible violations of brown and black bodies that happen across our country every day for the incredibly inane excuse of self-protection. I stand against any and all hate towards me, my family, and my culture. 

But … 

Good dick is good dick. It would be unfair of me to discriminate against it just because of the guy it might be attached to. It isn’t his fault that he happened to be born in a white Anglo-saxon body. He would, of course, have to be respectful and conscious of his privilege and power. He would, of course, have to be aware of the social and economical benefits his lineage grants him. Any micro aggression, any racial slur, any slight would immediately receive the boot. 

But … 

My parents came to this country to live out the American Dream. They sacrificed everything they knew so my sisters and I may enjoy the plethora of opportunities that come with a US citizenship. And fucking is one of them. I just have to be fucking the white man. 

But … 

This time, I’ll be the one on top. I’ll be the one riding him into submission. The colonizer has now become the colonized. 

Now that sounds like poetic justice to me. 
