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ShutterButton: What the Bathrooms Really Should Look Like

(10/29/14 8:46pm)

Before the PBR puke, used condoms, and tiny, claustrophobic showers, this is what the Quad bathrooms used to look like. Silk curtains, carpeting, ferns. Quite decorative, no? It looks more like A-Gutt’s combo sitting room-slash-sauna than your typical washroom. So, let’s give a collective sigh for 1901, and perhaps pick up some home-décor tips from the past.

The One Email You Should Double-Check Isn't "Reply All"

(10/11/14 8:50pm)

Ah, the egregious email etiquette continues. Recently, a professor offered up tickets for lucky students to attend the Women for Wolf rally with one blonde presidential look-alike. (Get it? We're saying that Amy G and Hillary resemble each other). However, some poor unfortunate soul did what we feared our grandmothers and ten-year-old sisters would always do with the terrifying combination of personal information and internet access – he/she hit "reply all". Way to give us your full name and your social, J. Hope you enjoyed the rally while your entire Poli Sci class was pumpkin spice-ifying their fall wardrobe on your account. After all, it doesn’t take a Snowden to crack this one. If all hacks are this easy, then the future looks wikibleak.

The One Email You Should Double-Check Isn't "Reply All"

(10/11/14 8:47pm)

Ah, the egregious email etiquette continues. Recently, a professor offered up tickets for lucky students to attend the Women for Wolf rally with one blonde presidential look-alike. (Get it? We're saying that Amy G and Hillary resemble each other). However, some poor unfortunate soul did what we feared our grandmothers and ten-year-old sisters would always do with the terrifying combination of personal information and internet access – he/she hit "reply all". Way to give us your full name and your social, J. Hope you enjoyed the rally while your entire Poli Sci class was pumpkin spice-ifying their fall wardrobe on your account. After all, it doesn’t take a Snowden to crack this one. If all hacks are this easy, then the future looks wikibleak.
