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(Add)Drop It Like It's Hot

(04/21/09 2:08pm)

Add/Drop period is live! While you're swamped with the end-of-the-semester crunch, don't forget to add those classes you got screwed out of or drop the ones that you found out were harder than you thought. It's only once a year where we can feel this entitled to get (almost) all of the classes we want. Senior-less competition to fight for that coveted seminar... Plus, we got dibs over those 2013's.

Freeloaderpalooza On The Green Today

(04/13/09 2:45pm)

College students just can't seem to escape the reputation for loving free... well, anything. Time to prove them right. Today from 11-4 p.m., Collegepalooza '09 will be taking place on College Green. The e-mail promises "food, fun, t-shirts, lectures and performances. From clay throwing with Fine Arts, to freeze dried ice cream provided by Chemistry, to a Samba ensemble performance representing the Music department." You can't get any more College than this.

25 Random Things: The 6th Grade E-mail Chain Letter That Refuses To Die

(02/07/09 6:32pm)

This week the New York Times once again proved that the Style section might as well be the Facebook company newsletter with their fascinating rumination on Facebook's latest nuisance. This UTB follow up comes from someone who actually knows how to navigate Facebook, as opposed to a NYT reporter who thinks Facebook is a special new tube they added to the interwebs.
