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New Inside Out Sweatshirts Hit Penn's Campus

(10/27/16 9:18pm)

Someone call up the People StyleWatch Celebrity Stylist and ask them to come back to Penn because a new fad is coming to campus. In an effort to keep up with all the trendz, SDT designed sweatshirts for homecoming that were supposed to look like they were inside out. Much to their dismay, the sweatshirts came literally inside out with the design on the same side of the tags. Forget warmth- nothing says “edge” like wearing the fuzzy part of a Gildan sweatshirt on the outside of your body. If you spot any more new fashion crazes on campus, email us at tips@underthebutton.com.

Rooster Party Leader Cocks Over Fellow Class Board Candidates

(09/26/16 1:32pm)

Elections for student government took place last week. Oh? You don't care? Neither do we, usually, but some people really care. Some people care to the extent that they will sue their peers in NEC court for personal gain. We won't delve into the intricacies of the NEC code because neither of us gives a shit about that. However, we will call out some shady behavior by a member of UTB's favorite political party of the rooster variety. Don't say we didn't warn you about these guys.

Race to the UA 2K16: People Making Promises They Can't Deliver

(09/23/16 4:43pm)

Unless you live under a rock, you're probably aware that this week a bunch of freshmen battled it out to see who could make it most obvious that they did student government in high school (Ed Note: Oh, you do live under a rock? Well sorry for disturbing you, go back to your hovel you little, beautiful, troll). As Penn's resident SWUGs, we're back once more to shamelessly judge these candidates posters. Elections may have ended at 5 PM yesterday, but that certainly won't stop us from having an opinion. 

20(20) Things More Likely To Happen At Penn Than You Being Admitted

(04/02/16 6:01pm)

. . . And the decisions are in! Penn better brace itself for it’s BEST and most SELECTIVE class ever – we’re serious. The acceptance rate for the Class of 2020 was a jaw dropping 9.4%, which is the lowest acceptance rate in Penn’s history. So in honor of the great class of 2020, here are 20 things that are more likely to happen than you getting into Penn. 

UTB After Dark: Things (Non-Jesus) That Should Have Been Resurrected This Sunday

(03/28/16 1:57am)

It's Easter Sunday! It's that special time of year when your Christian friends devour chocolate bunnies and your Jewish friends are confused. But Easter does more than just mark one of the two times per year that bad Catholics get dragged to mass with their grandparents. It's also a time of reflection. That's why we've been reflecting on some of the things that we would have liked to see resurrected today. Here's to wishful thinking!

Punny, Penn-y Valentine's Day Cards: Part II

(02/14/16 5:36pm)

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you ran out of time to head to CVS or you’re afraid to go outside, UTB has got you covered with a second round of sophisticated, authentic, and beautiful V-day cards below. As the polar vortex unleashes its fury upon us (probs because it’s single), remember to show your appreciation for those you love- significant others, favorite meals, a pillow that you sometimes pretend is your boyfriend. Anything, really!

The Best Of Ben Lerner: 23 Posts That Made Us Laugh, Learn, And Love Penn Just A Little Bit More

(02/02/15 4:00pm)

For the last five years, UTB has been led by dedicated, hilarious, and post-worthy human beings, and Ben Lerner is no exception. Besides his genuine love of the blog and its content, he loved being an integral part of our team, and he will be missed more than he can imagine. Thank you, Ben, for being a supportive, thoughtful leader, for cracking us up every time you speak, and for giving us at UTB a place here at Penn that we love. You’re fabulous, you’re flawless, and we know you’ll always be there for us…in your trailer…with a lawyer present. Absolutely.
