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STREET Presents: Spring Dining Guide

(02/26/14 2:27pm)

It's mealtime in Philadelphia and Street is here with macarons and nachos and so much more. Our Spring Dining Guide has suggestions for incredible eats near and far. Try hot fried chicken at a restaurant with a porcine name (and read our interview with owner and Top Chef Kevin Sbraga) and see what Drexel has to offer you in the realm of mac n cheese and quesadillas. Our own campus now boasts excellent pizza, and on certain weekend days, bagels. Explore South Philly for a high quality Italian byo and a creative vegan one. Walk around Rittenhouse, croissant in hand or grab an elegant picnic in Washington Square or a pickle and a drink at Gaslight. Northern Liberties is changing the Tater tots game and Jose Garces gave Philly a Cuban Diner. For fine dining, consider Avance and read our exclusive interview with Chef Justin Bogle.  Or try High Street on Market, a more casual restaurant from the Chef of Fork. Any way you slice it, Spring 2014 is a wonderful time to dive into Philadelphia's thriving food scene. Where are you going to start?

STREET PRESENTS: A Home of Their Own

(02/06/14 2:58pm)

This week Street has some questions. Will it ever stop snowing? Should I have done laundry by now? And you live where? Street goes inside Gregory College House to meet the close group of students who call it home. Speaking of homes, explore more of campus with an Architectural Bucket List and switch up your playlist with tracks from Penn Musicians USSMars. Ego of the Week Jeremy Pincus even converted to Judaism while at Penn (didn't we all?). In honor of those free t-shirts we get during NSO, we converted the College House motto's into some serious real talk.

STREET Presents: Shoutouts and Senior Superlatives!

(11/21/13 2:00pm)

Gossip Squirrel here. Your one and only source into the lives of Penn's scandalous elite. Except not cultural elite—it's only senior superlatives. Spotted: some thankful Penn students SABSing on the Van Pelt couches just longing for Thanksgiving break. Although the winter blues might be causing a serious lack of drama, I can tell you who's going down next: Daughtry.

STREET Presents: From the Middle Kingdom to the Mid–Atlantic

(11/14/13 2:00pm)

 Caught in the act of a duckface selfie, and your life can't sink any lower. Talk to your doctor about how Street could be right for you. This week Highbrow checks out Penn goodies for sale on eBay, and you can bet that we're just waiting for someone to auction off Amy G's used kleenexes. We have a hunch they'd go for more than our degrees are worth. We also investigated how Penn degrees can help you in the arts. Here's 23 Reasons Why Reading Street Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity.  Let's talk about the line for Magic Carpet. It's longer than the biggest penis on campus. Also, is the name a reference to Aladdin? And is that Coldplay and Rihanna song "Princess of China" about Mulan? So many questions. Anyway, in the Disney spirit, we'll sign off: May the force be with you... or should we say live long and prosper? And speaking of nerds that are out of this world, Ego talked to the senior guys of BMOC. We just hope none of them are participating in No Shave November. And submit those shoutouts!!!!!! Soy vey.

STREET Presents: Success

(11/07/13 2:00pm)

Happy homecoming, Quakers ducklings. Before all the celebrating begins, be sure to pick up a copy of Street. We've got picks for your playlist this weekend (wait, what, no, of course I didn't put Aaron's Party on! That would be so embarrassing. Spotify must have made a mistake) plus recommendations for the best Penn spirit wear. You can bursar bandeaus! Also in the athletics-themed festival spirit, some football players shared their deepest and darkest secrets with us. And we put it on the backpage. Highbrow also has this thing where they predict your fortune based on your astrological sign. It's 137% accurate, we swear. Food and Drink pits HipCityVeg against McDonalds. We learned that a groothie a day keeps the doctor away, but we don't even want to think about what Chicken McNuggets do. Quick: Throwback Thursday! Anyone still watch HIMYM? Remember at Penn Preview Days when you had to take a dramatic picture outside Platt for the stupid scavenger hunt? Yeah... oh, and Lowbrow's got mail. Remember AOL?! BREAKING NEWS - Startup spelled backwards is put rats! Put rats where? I don't know! If anyone knows where to put the rats, please let us know at genehackbar@yahoo.com.

SREET Presents: The Alcohol Issue

(10/31/13 12:00pm)

Happy Halloween, Streetures! (street creatures) All the midterms this week are making us feel pretty meh. So we have another Meh List for you, Halloween edition. Speaking of the holiday, are you going out tonight? We are! Here's hoping you can both down drinks like they're candy and avoid MERT... successful night, right? Well, some people call blacking out a successful night of drinking. Street investigates the blackout rage that's sweeping the nation (and not everyone drinks Banker's). Even Lowbrow took part in some alcohol festivities. But if you're in the mood for a sober Halloween, you can always celebrate by watching a few horror movies. And we've still got some treats for you Halloween haters (no tricks are necessary): Arcade Fire has a new album out, and we take on the fancy pants new Singh Center for Nanotechnology.

STREET Presents: Club Dead

(10/24/13 1:00pm)

Is Halloween 2spooky4u? Well too bad, because this week's issue of Street is all about spooky spots. Seriously, after getting high after midnight, the Biopond can manifest a chill in your bones. Though, Arts provides an informative piece on the Laurel Hill Cemetery. Maybe try exploring that after your weekend smoke? That'll make for an interesting dispatch... Aside from Theos being scared shitless after the delightful discovery that their Google Group is public, you may be shocked to learn that Wes Anderson is indeed an auteur. What's an auteur? It's about as complex as the fucked up frosh Lowbrow interviewed this week. Disclaimer: THIS GIRL IS RATCHET. But we love her as much as Wes. Werewolf bar mitzvahs: spooky scary boys becoming men, men becoming wolves. It's what college hookups are all about: coming of age. To help you in your pursuits of happiness, Music guides you through the first glance of your newest hookup's apartment: those posters of famous musicians. It's not time to shine. Just shine bright like a diamond when the full moon is out on your quest to werewolf-dom. So, the first hookup went well. Time to get rowdier and raunchier at a BYO. At this point, you're probably sick of Banana Leaf (we aren't), but it did make it on Food & Drink's BYO Rowdiness Meter. Backpage even guides you on what to stay for after that dinner date. Or you can go on a date to the Mütter Museum, more commonly known to Features as Club Dead. Someone even compared a two-month old fetus on display to a human centipede. Hold your stomach, this date will be as ratchet as that frosh Lowbrow interviewed. And if all of that isn't spooky enough, remember that kid that got arrested for being publicly intoxicated at Commons? Highbrow does, and sheds light on Not Penn State's most disapproved–of antics for the semester. With HipCityVeg open, all the JAPS have migrated. We get it, we all want to be vegetarian, just not be in Theos.

STREET Presents: The REAL Estate

(10/03/13 11:00am)

When there's something strange in your quad dorm room...who you gonna call? 34th Street! Or your mom, if you live off-campus. But we can't all afford that luxury, or the extravagant lifestyle of cabbing to student health every time you get a nosebleed. And after popping that NyQuil, you'll start to question if maybe the whole world is just a FIGMENT of your imagination. Everyone and their grandma loves a good rabbi, especially one that bakes a mean challah. Speaking of bread, check out the real movie stars: prop food. But if you're craving some meat, you better think twice; Chipotle has a case of sad cow disease. Pizza can also be hella dangerous (if you get caught). Bonus Fun Fact #4015: if you put earbuds in your nostrils and open your mouth, it will amplify the sound. You're welcome.

STREET Presents: Checking In/Checking Out

(09/26/13 11:00am)

Yo, yo, yo, Street is in da house, coming to you live from 4015 'nut. And this week we've got everything: red velvet pot cupcakes, hippity-hoppin' #tbt party jamz and even some hybrid snuggie-slapchop-magicbullet-shamwows. But if that whole scene's not for you, Street now has super-exclusive sports coverage. (We like sportz, and we don't care who knows). Women's basketball is our fav: DP Sports better watch out! Or, if you're someone who NEEDS to stop at every historical marker, aka a history nerd buff, you can stalk the former Philadelphia homes of famous artists. Some people just have it all together. You know, that person who aces every OCR interview, or Venmos their favorite homeless woman (her name is Tanya). But sometime's it's okay not to have it all together. Seriously, read about it. But if you find yourself at University Pinball Family Fun Center, chances are you're doing something wrong.

STREET Presents: Best Fit

(09/19/13 11:00am)

Crying after your first midterm? Don't want to answer another question ever again? Sucks. We have some more for you bitties: Does the Castle moosehead give you the creeps? Does incessant flyering on Locust sometimes make you wish you went to Drexel? Well, turns out they have some pretty good dining options to rival bon appetit. Having awards show withdrawal post-VMAs? Read about Street's picks for the Emmys this weekend, which will have plenty of drama (literally-they give awards for drama). Wanna get on Main Line status with Philadelphia? You'll have to know all the right SEPTAs to take to Philadelphify your music and check out some of the city's flea markets. Think your parents are the most embarrassing? Turns out one Penn Mom is even crazier than that Princeton Mom (MRS degree, anyone?). No matter how crazy the mom or the moose, make sure you check out our feature this week—OCR is coming and you need to know what to wear and where to wear it—you can check out our freshly made WiFi map for the latter, but we can't help you dress yourself (we'd like to though).

34th Street Presents: Where Are They?

(09/12/13 4:04am)

For all you kittens awaiting a new issue of Street, it has officially arrived! This week, we somehow managed to find the Penn lesbian scene without having to go to a Tegan and Sara concert. But if you're in the mood to listen to Tegan and Sara and don't know where to find them, check out our music streaming advice. These apps will even work on your new iPhone 5s and its crappy, colorful cousin. By now, everyone knows you shouldn't drop that thun thun, but should you drop that class? If our flowchart doesn't help you, judge your professors based on their fall TV picks. Spoiler alert: they LOVE Jon Stewart. And speaking of fake news, ya'll should take a gander at Lowbrow's The Onion-inspired stories. And if you ever get drunkenly lost after a downtown have the time to get off campus and explore Philadelphia, Street gives you a handy guide to identifying the architecture on Broad St., aka "The Avenue of the Arts." Once you get back home, you can always cure your drunchies with some mac n cheese or BAGELS.  Enjoy!
