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Yo-Reka's Latest Identity Crisis

(03/18/11 6:35pm)

Yo-Reka has undergone another makeover.  Just a couple months after the folks at Commons realized that yogurt wasn't their thing, they've dropped the whole “Mediterranean” idea as well.  What's at Yo-Reka these days?  Salad. For $5.50, you can get a "specialty salad" and for $7, you can throw some turkey, chicken or ham on there, too.  Basically, they want you to spend Dining Dollars on the same type of thing you can get with a meal swipe upstairs.  Forget brackets- let's get some bets going for what Yo-Reka will do "your way" next!

The Worst Cook Who Went to Penn

(01/18/11 2:43pm)

Matt Crespi, a Wharton 2007 graduate, was asked to turn in his apron last Sunday after completing his time in culinary boot camp.  As a contestant on Food Network's "Worst Cooks in America," Crespi and eleven of America's other worst cooks, studied under two celebrity chefs as they competed in various cooking challenges.  While we now know that Crespi is not "the best of the worst," his experience lives on in Penn reality TV history.

Spring Fling Concert SPEC-ulation: The Party Don’t Start ‘Til Ke$ha Walks In

(11/19/10 7:10pm)

While SPEC’s lips will remain sealed for a few more months, there is some possibility that Ke$ha might perform at Spring Fling this year. Ke$ha has announced her “Get $leazy” Tour, and she will be out-and-about in Pennsylvania during Spring Fling weekend, April 15-17, 2011.
