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A Double Negative Makes a Positive: How Math 170 Diagnosed Me With Coronavirus

(09/29/20 7:47am)

When that random senior in my group project last semester told me (during the one meeting he actually showed up to) that Math 170 was ‘just Roman numerals and that’s it’, I knew it was the class for me. Sure, math scared me - mostly because I couldn’t even count the number of times I told my engineering friends that their math classes scared me. However, I knew it was time to push myself beyond my comfort zone.

OP-ED: Replace the Terms 'Synchronous' and 'Asynchronous' With 'Fuck' and 'Fuck Me in the Ass', Respectively

(09/18/20 4:35pm)

Enough is enough, Penn. It may have started with “Sectors of Knowledge” and “Foundational Approaches”, but it ends here. It’s time to wake up, smell the roses, and call it as we see it. “Synchronous” and “Asynchronous” must be replaced with “Fuck” and “Fuck Me In The Ass.”
