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Bethenny Hawks Penn To Get Her Skinny(girl) Vanilla Latte

(09/05/13 2:15pm)

Looks like Penn is still on the mind of one Bethenny Frankel, who visited campus last year. (And brought now ex-hubby Jason Hoppy.) The Real Housewife/talk show host tweeted her morning Starbucks run getup to her 1.25 million followers, asking Nick Cannon if wife Mariah Carey would wear such a casual outfit – but homegirl was not-so-casually rocking a Penn hoodie!

Stephen Colbert Takes On Kate Taylor's Sexposé

(07/22/13 6:19pm)

You know you've made it when you're lampooned on national TV, so trend piece journalist/Penn sex fiend Kate Taylor is a major success story! That's right, the one and only Stephen Colbert devoted a few minutes of his Report last week to "She Can Play That Game, Too." The clip doesn't seem to be going as social media viral as certain Quakers' rebuttals to the offensive/biased/dismissive/long article, so if you haven't seen it, indulge in the anchor's satirical rampage of Taylor's piece. While he doesn't name drop Penn (this time) and keeps his critique comical rather than substantive, the underlying message about the article's thesis being inherently obvious is legit. And that's The Word.

Take Pride In The Power of Penn Medicine

(06/21/13 8:25pm)

If you haven't seen it in your news feed yet, take a few minutes from "interning" (we all know you found yourself here via social media) and get your weekend off to an inspiring start with this video, highlighting an amazing achievement by Penn doctors and CHOP. A cancer-stricken girl named Emma was saved by an experimental treatment in which she was purposely injected with HIV, and the heartwarming clip is going viral. Donna from Parks & Rec even tweeted it this morning, with the hashtag #Science. Word, Retta, science is incredible.

(06/05/13 3:38pm)

Center City Building Collapse -- Update: 6 have been confirmed dead and a dozen injured when a building being demolished collapsed onto the Salvation Army at the corner of 22nd and Market. Market Street is still blocked off between 20th and 23rd.

Little Lentil Is Officially Post-Op

(05/29/13 8:52pm)

We've got you girls a Hump Day treat! Lentil, the French bulldog puppy with a cleft palate and an Internet full of fans, has officially had restorative surgery, thanks to Penn Vet. According to his Mommy's blog, the itty-bitty online superstar underwent his non-cosmetic procedure on Monday, so he'll look exactly the same: "it's important for all of us to remember that it's OK to be different!!!" Preach, girl. Your pooch is a national treasure and we couldn't be happier that he's now also a Quaker. Check out a presh pre-surgery video of Lentil playing with Penn Vets above!

They're Here: Texts From Fling, Volume III

(04/21/13 10:37pm)

Remember one week ago today? Your hangover was still in full swing, the memories of Fling as gone as they are right now, the Instagrams telling a dark tale of debauchery. Fling has now been officially over for a week, and to commemorate its anniversary (only 355 more days!), UTB proudly presents a compilation of the texts YOU submitted throughout the last seven days. You've recovered from last weekend's mayhem - although a residual high from last night is understandable - and now its time to relive the rowdy via area code.

Oh No, Penn Wrote An Original Song Again

(04/18/13 3:19pm)

If you thought it couldn't get any worse that "Penn's Stepping Up" (the heinous Penny Loafers-helmed disaster of a promo video for the Making History campaign), THINK AGAIN. The ridiculous factor has been upped in unimaginable ways with "Time to Shine," a new single by Sean Altman of a group called "Rockapella," which is climbing its way to the top of the A-Gut charts.

POLL: Is It Really Time To Shine?

(04/15/13 8:18pm)

Believe us, we couldn't be prouder of Madame President's fundraising success, surpassing the goal and making over $4.3 billion for Penn's Making History campaign. And with all the hullabaloo surrounding the Fling concert, many students didn't attend (or don't remember) Friday night at Franklin Field. So we're extra-pumped for John Legend and Train at Penn Park (fo free!) this Friday.

Scream and SHOUT and Let it All OUT

(04/10/13 10:35pm)

Shout ‘em out, shout ‘em out! That’s right, kiddies: trees are blossoming, finals are looming, and flings are getting flung. But perhaps the most important spring tradition of all is upon us: Shoutouts. 34th Street presents your bi-annual opportunity to tell that hot professor, your klepto roommate, and the mouth–breather in your history recitation exactly how you feel. Submit your anonymous messages of love (or hate or lust) to your roomies/enemies/lovers/UTB editors (please?) via shoutouts@34st.com, Street's website OR that sexy fuchsia tip box to the right -- Britney approves.

Van Pelt Extended Hours In Effect...Now

(04/08/13 8:20pm)

Two a.m. and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake... Preach, Anna Nalick, because it's Twitter-official: VP's main building is open until 2 a.m. all the way through finals, effective immediately. As happy as we are that the exodus to Rosenparty is no longer at the absurdly early hour of midnight, the fact that @upennlib had to tweet something with the words "today" and "finals" is disconcerting.

Penn Madness, Volume III: And The Winner Is...

(03/31/13 6:27pm)

We don't know if that traditional sporty March Madness is still going on, but we do know this: after a cutthroat week-long battle of the bracket, the winner of the third edition of PENN MADNESS has emerged. And just in time for that other miracle, Easter! A hearty congratulations to... H U R R I C A N E  S A N D Y ! Tonight may bring the belated announcement of our Spring Fling headliner, but if (when) the result is disappointing: we still have our April 19th concert featuring John Legend and Train! Our Penn Madness runners-up (47% of the popular vote!) will be sure to make history, and hopefully won't hold a grudge that Sandy edged them out for the grand prize. You're still our favorite Grammy-winning Alum/astronomy-loving band dream team! If Olivia Newton-John wants to make a guest appearance, we won't complain. For now, the reigning queen can just complement Madame President's blonde glory (above).
