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Dancing With The Professors

(11/13/09 9:47pm)

Ever since Advanced Registration opened we've been trying to pick courses, but there's one thing that makes it really difficult. Nowhere on Penn Course Review does it indicate how well a professor can dance! And if you're like us, you aren't about to place your education in the hands of someone who might not even be able to navigate his way through a fox trot or the Viennese Waltz with relative ease.

Because PCR's Difficulty Rating Is 4.0

(11/02/09 3:00pm)

Advanced Registration for Spring courses will begin in just a week (Nov. 9), which has us thinking about how much the schedule planning process sucks. Sure, the new Penn InTouch helped a little, but arranging classes still requires juggling between 45,230 browser windows (not to mention the tabs!) at once. Penn Course Review is among the more terrible parts of the process, but thanks to the nerds student web programmers behind a new site called Cobol on Rails, you'll never have to use it again! Check out details after the jump. 

Portrait Battle Part 1: Nursing Vs. Engineering

(10/29/09 7:03pm)

One of the dumbest things to argue about is which school at Penn is the best. We're all friends here! Still, we're kind of wondering, you know? So let's figure this out once and for all based on the only logical criteria: portraits of professors hanging in the schools' respective buildings. Fill out the bracket below, start a pool with your friends and check out the first match up, Nursing vs. Engineering, after the jump.

Hillel Takes Up Residence In Killadelphia

(10/28/09 7:34pm)

A concerned tipster sent us this photo, along with a message that said "I think that Orthodox Community at Penn Assassins (A.K.A. Kosher Assassins) has gotten a little bit out of hand.  I found this note scrawled on my door at about 1:50 am.  Those Orthos can be monsters." How did he know the time of the attack? Well, he must have been staring through the peephole to protect his territory, and keeping a running log of suspicious activity. We did some research, and found out more about these "Kosher Assassins." The rules of the game as well as information about how to assassinate a target, how to use an OCP-issued gun, and what to say after a kill ("Bang bang, you're dead!") are available on their website, under a banner that reads "Our community is your community." Despite the fact that the name of the game and the terminology used seem pretty socially unacceptable at this point, it does sound like fun. The tipster is probably just bitter because he's gonna get killed.

Hoodie Up For Woodie

(10/28/09 2:02pm)

Remember the guys we interviewed in Street last year who talked about throwing poppy seed bagels into the crowd at shows and having beef with the Latin Kings? Well now they go by Hoodie Allen and they're a totally big deal. Time Out New York even added them to "Jamie Falkowski’s impressive survey of up-and-coming white hip-hop movers and shakers."

TwitPenn Volume IV

(10/26/09 7:34pm)

People can't stop tweeting about Penn and we can't stop reading what they have to say. Join us after the jump for another edition of PennTwit. This week: nudity and penmanship practice. Yes. UPenn: Not Swat Since 1740. GIRLLLL I SUCK AT TWITTER AND ALSO AT TURNING OFF MY CAPS LOCK!!!!!! WAIT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ABBY!!!!! YOU'RE JUST HER CAT!!!! I GOT A BALL OF YARN IF YOU WANT TO WORK ON THAT THOUGH!!!!!! People always say that you should have fun in college, because you'll regret missing good times with good friends more than you will bad grades on the occasional midterm. What they don't tell you about is the terrible feeling of regret that comes from filling out a Weiss Tech House survey and never cashing in on the prize. Oh, that explains this.

Dzine2Shows Some Skin

(10/26/09 4:11pm)

For obvious reasons, we feel a certain sense of stewardship over the "art piece, LOL!" that is the Button. That's why we were not particularly jazzed upon receiving this photo tip. For the second year in a row, it looks like DZine2Show is soiling our blogging spot with a soft-core pornographic photo-shoot! We are so confused about why students partake in this, and will be interested to see the type of clothing they suggest wearing for sub-button intercourse. Until then, we'll be wishing on every shooting star we see that they switch things up for the next issue. Hanging upside down from the peace sign naked, perhaps? Urinating on the Ben Bench? Making love on the Love statue? There are so many public works of art that they have yet to deface!

On The Origin Of The Locust Walk Troubadour

(10/21/09 5:40pm)

If you weren't on Locust about 5 minutes ago, we are really, really sorry, because that means you didn't get a chance to hear this fellow sing what sounded like the first chapter of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Talk about a prime example of natural selection! Just look at his wardrobe selection, his dainty gait, and his Pantene Pro-V commercial-worthy hair. Who wouldn't want to reproduce with him? He is truly "the fittest." Mid-song picture after the jump.
