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(06/25/10 7:09pm)

Princeton President Is Not A Bro -- The geniuses over at Princeton tried to "ice" the university's president, but shocker...she turned down the nasty bottle of Smirnoff Ice. If you try to ice Amy, please do send us a video!

Oh Look, The UA Made A Video About The Storm

(06/25/10 3:57pm)

THE UA MADE A VIDEO ABOUT THE STORM AND THEY WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT! Yes, they did! The always smiling UA Prez Matt Amalfitano stars in the two-minute flick and promises to pick up all the fallen trees himself. Also included: self-deprecating jokes about the UA's sense of self-importance. "Penn knows that the UA does everything and that we take credit for everything," jokes Matt sarcastically.

Do Something Good For Humanity

(06/17/10 8:14pm)

Penn kids doing good things, always. A group of students helmed by sophomore Brittany Young has launched a charity called A Spring of Hope that installs wells in Africa. They're trying to win $250,000 from Chase Community Giving, which you can help them get if you "Like" their Facebook page and then vote for them. Because come on, we know you're sitting at your internship refreshing your Twitter feed.

(06/17/10 5:24pm)

ATTN Amtrak riders -- You can now modify your train reservations on Amtrak's website, so you no longer have to deal with lines and incompetent people at the station if you need to change your train!

And The S4TPF Slogan Is...

(06/15/10 8:13pm)

The kids over at Seniors For The Penn Fund, Class of 2011 edition have devised their official slogan: "Drink a Highba'11......here's a toast to dear old Penn." This refers, of course, to the Penn pep song, which you would know on the odd chance you've been to a Penn Football game. If it's unfamiliar, at least you can relate to the fact that it's about drinking, which you can go back to doing now.

Police Seize $1.2 Million Of Weed From Former Football Player Near Campus

(05/27/10 4:45am)

The Inquirer reports that police arrested a former Penn football player on Wednesday evening and seized $1.2 million of  marijuana he grew in a building behind 4100 Spruce. Travis Roesler, 27, (Class of '06 grad according to Facebook) runs a martial arts studio in the building's first floor, and was apparently also cultivating a hydroponic plant business upstairs.

You Can Now Be Conflict Free On Penn In Touch

(05/24/10 7:59pm)

First we had updates to BlackBoard, AirPennNet--and today, a new feature on Penn InTouch. The new search option allows you to "Find only courses that fit," so you can browse for classes that fit into your schedule. It's a nice addition that should spare you some of that irritating "oh this would be a great course let me see if it fits into my schedule, ugh it conflicts with my writing seminar" feeling.
