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What's HapPENNing?

(03/14/11 2:00pm)

Dear readers, friends and acquaintances: Welcome back from Spring Break! We hope you had a restful week of sunburn and hangovers. Now that classes are in full swing, it's time to get back into the rhythm of school. Yeah, we know this sucks, but your professors don't want to see your face any more than you want to see theirs. Here's to a week of light work, eh? Now put away your Mardi Gras beads and sack up, this semester is (more than) halfway over and you've already made it this far! Hillel Week Who: Hillel When and where: Monday–Friday; all over campus (check link) Why: It's a week full of free stuff, noshing and other meshuggeneh activities for the Chosen People and the gentiles that culminates in the Purim Crawl. We can't promise that you'll be farshikkert off your tuchus for that, but a few sips from the ole' jug of Manischewitz never hurt anyone, amirite? Chick Lit and Postfeminism Who: Penn Women's Center and Penn Bookstore When and where: Tuesday, 6–7 p.m.; Penn Bookstore Why: The official description tags this event as an adventure in "gender relations through the lens of the romance genre," hosted by alumna Stephanie Harzewski. So, like, Fabio is gonna be there, right? But actually, it'll be a refreshing discussion about marriage and feminism, among other topics; and it's on a Tuesday, so what else would you be doing? St. Patrick's Day Who: Everyone and their mother When and where: Thursday; It's always 5 o'clock somewhere Why: It's St. Patrick's Day. WQHS Presents: Future Islands Who: WQHS Penn Student Radio When and where: Thursday, 8 p.m.–midnight; Johnny Brenda's  (1201 N. Frankford) Why: For the low, low price of $10: This. It'll be a nice change of scenery, especially if you don't want to be around the entire Greek/lame/aggressively drunk scene at Penn for the night. QPenn 2011 Who: Lambda Alliance When and where: Sunday, 5 p.m.–next Sunday 3 p.m.; all over campus (check link) Why: Remember how Penn is the nation's #1 gay-friendly school? So there's that. During the week, there'll be free stuff, awesome speakers and plenty of workshops. Also, there's a drag show, which is... um, ok, uh, whatever.

Rite of Spring Break: Where Should You Be Going?

(03/03/11 8:19pm)

Midterm season is almost over, and soon it'll be time to pack your bags and brochill, chillax and calm those areolae in your destination of choice. But not all spring break vacation spots are created equal, and sometimes you may not even know what you're getting yourself into! But don't get your panties in a bunch– using highly mathematical and advanced research techniques, we've developed this nifty lil' quiz to help you sort through where you should be spending the next week. To the questions!

Chasing Amy: The Lunch Bunch

(02/26/11 3:47pm)

When we last glimpsed Amy, she was having a good ole' time with Arianna Huffington; but it had been a while- years, it seemed!- since we had actually seen her. One day, however, after doing our usual rounds of obsessively checking our inboxes, we received an e-mail from Madame la President with the following subject line: "I would be delighted if you would join me and a small group of your fellow students for informal lunch and conversation." No! It couldn't be! It was too good to be true!

Poo-t Gingrich

(02/22/11 8:33pm)

As you're well aware, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be coming to Penn later today to give a talk and participate in a rousing Q&A session. While most would view this opportunity as an exciting way to engage with a politician, some have taken it to be an excuse to (quite literally) shit all over the event. Check out more childish bathroom antics after the jump.

Musings On The Penn Police Segways

(02/21/11 3:00pm)

Hey, Penn-po! We see you scootin' on by, riding your fancy tricycles across campus, climbing up over those curbs. Frankly, we're a little jealous, since walking over the 38th Street bridge using our current method of transportation can be a bitch sometimes. But mostly, we're confused as to how these can even help you do your job. Isn't walking faster/more efficient/less ridiculous-looking? Maybe you could even use a horse instead? Why you be so silly, Penn Police?!

What's HapPENNing?

(02/15/11 9:40pm)

It seems like just yesterday we were putting on our Uggs and North Face black Denali jackets as we headed we headed to class, lunch at Gia and then back home to make ~*super cute*~ posters for our littles! LOL!!! Well, now that the weather is getting warmer and we're taking off all our clothes (Teehee!), it's time to take a look at what's going down on campus this week.

UTB Love Week: Penn Bookstore, The V-Day Gift Emporium

(02/11/11 3:00pm)

Things are starting to heat up now that Love Week is here. Okay, so now you know where not to bring your date; but what did present did you get? Wait, you mean you forgot to buy a gift for your beloved for the most important holiday of the year? What would you do without us, constantly reminding you about what you have to do!?

Your Crappy Drawings Will Now Appear Online

(02/05/11 4:27pm)

Ever get bored in Van Pelt and decide to write or draw all over your carrel? We've all been there– and now everyone will know about it! PENNdiculous, which describes itself as "nerdy fun," is a blog dedicated to posting the best/worst/most morally objectionable doodles that appear all over campus, from DRL to the Biomedical Library. There are some real winners there; if you don't agree with us, then please see the above picture.

ShutterButton: It's For Your Own Good

(02/03/11 8:58pm)

So, the University used to administer physicals to its students? Cool. I mean, we're completely okay with the usual stuff: checking your blood pressure, eyes, ears, height and weight– maybe the whole turn-your-head-and-cough thing– but this is a little odd. This device looks like an instrument of torture! The chains, leather straps and wooden planks make it seem like something from Marilyn Manson music video. 1912! What a silly year.

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something PENN BAND

(02/03/11 8:35pm)

Penn '89 alum Harry Fisher got married last Saturday and his bride, Kathy Wise, wanted to mark the special occasion by doing a little something special: RENTING OUT THE ENTIRE PENN BAND. Pretty neat, yeah? Things get exciting after the 1:45 mark, when the newlyweds start hopping around excitedly– what some of you might call "dancing." When a guest requested a highball, fellow wedding-goers were met with the sad news that no one had brought toast. But our biggest complaint? Why weren't we invited? Did our invitation get lost in the mail again?!

ShutterButton: The Gates Of Hell

(01/31/11 1:13am)

The intersection of Spruce and 38th Streets: home to the Beta chapter house, the Class of 1920 Commons fine dining facility, Wawa and Satan's newest weekend getaway. Uh, what? It seems that an evil, black snow-covered sidewalk vent on the southwest corner has begun spewing out demonic steam and swallowing up innocent passersby (but, like, actually). Watch your step or you'll find yourself on the fast track to Hell!

It Happens

(01/25/11 3:43pm)

It's no secret that Penn students like to get creative in the bathroom. OK, fine, maybe the words "primitive," "deranged" or "seriously stupid" are better descriptors of Quaker toilet etiquette in light of recent events. It seems that the Quad, that Mecca of all things classy and tasteful, has again been the victim of toilet violence.
