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What's HapPENNing?

(04/01/13 6:54pm)

It's April Fool's, so we're all hoping that Girl Talk is SPEC's way of tricking the entire student body. They're not. Anyway, today's the nicest day we've seen all year and it's time to prep for the mess that will be Fling 2k13. In the meantime, find space to squeeze some of these events into your calendar for this week!

Senior Class Board President, A Star

(02/15/13 7:55pm)

Senior Class Board president Jonathan Youshaei is seen here chatting it up with Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, and Conan O'Brien about the debut of their new movie trailer, The Internship. Meanwhile, the rest of us were probably doing little people things in our little people world of mediocrity. Jon, you're the Marley to our me. You're the wedding to our crasher. And thanks for the Penn shoutouts, you little Focker.

Malcolm Gladwell To Make A PennStop

(02/07/13 8:36pm)

Esteemed author Malcolm Gladwell is coming to Penn next Thursday(!) He is the author of four books, including The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference (2000) and Outliers: The Story of Success (2008). All four of his books were New York Times Bestsellers, so he's basically Stephenie Meyer. His works make frequent use of academic work in the areas of sociology, psychology and social psychology.

(02/05/13 4:00pm)

Does love exist at Penn? Can you fall in love here? Do the Sex & Human Nature professors enjoy talking about coitus as much as they do? The point is: take this survey and you'll know the answer in next week's issue of Street. The best part: you can send an anonymous romance (or h8)-related message to anyone. 

President Gutmann Challenged By Africana Studies Staff

(01/30/13 8:03pm)

Several senior faculty members in the Africana Studies Department are pretty upset with President Amy Gutmann. In this guest column, the columnists voice their objections to what they feel as the president's consistently non-diverse appointments into high-ranking administrative positions. They've made it clear that they will not be attending President Gutmann's annual diversity dinner. One quote stated: Not only has President Gutmann failed to show leadership in diversifying the highest levels of University administration, those individuals appointed by President Gutmann have often modeled her example and made similarly nondiverse appointments of vice provosts, associate deans and other high-ranking administrative staff. The columnists: Camille Charles, Barbara Savage, Mary Frances Berry, Vivian Gadsden, Kenneth Shropshire and Tukufu Zuberi.

(01/25/13 7:58pm)

SPEC announces '40 Years of Fling' -- as this year's theme, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Spring Fling. Let's hope this means we'll be getting a top 40 headliner. Check back to The DP for the whole story.

(01/17/13 6:30pm)

There's a new dean in town -- Steven Fluharty, a faculty member of the Department of Animal Biology in the School of Veterinary Medicine, will start his term as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences on July 1st. Check out the full article here.

Gettin' Biddy Wit' It

(01/17/13 4:15pm)

For those of you who weren't in the Perelman Quad last night, all eight Penn sororities gathered together and gave out their annual bids. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when a group of ladies gives a girl the chance of a lifetime - sisterhood of the travelling pants. Check out the official video for more!
