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A Bug's Life: The E! True Philadelphia Story

(06/14/12 3:29pm)

Welcome to Philadelphia, where "Don't let the bedbugs bite" is more than just a cute phrase an adorable freshmen couple says to one another! As reported by MSN Now, Philadelphia has secured the #1 spot as the most bedbug-infested city in the nation. Surprisingly, New York City, with a population more than 5 times that of Philly, is in third place after Cincinnati. This seems fishy buggy.

Penn Grads Make Bank

(06/10/12 2:48pm)

And the rankings keep rolling in. In a report according to Nerd Wallet Education, Penn takes three spots on the list of schools with the highest reported salaries upon graduation. Penn's School of Engineering, The Wharton School, and the School of Nursing all made the list. All of those who are in the College should consider transferring into one of these elite schools.

Chasing Amy: Gutmann Plays Tour Guide

(04/08/12 4:54pm)

Prez Amy Gutmann made an appearance in Penn Park yesterday showing a family around campus. Maybe her tour guide skills will land us a naming gift for the new dorms on Hill Field? Maybe the Med School will be re-re-endowed? Maybe Amy simply likes to give personal tours on Saturday afternoons? (Maybe?) Or maybe...we're just disappointed Amy never gave us a personal tour of Penn.

First And Second Ladies To Visit Penn

(04/05/12 8:16pm)

And she's back! But this time, with reinforcements. First and second ladies Michelle Obama and Jill Biden (respectively) will be hitting up Penn's campus next Wednesday to promote the effort of Joining Forces, a national initiative to serve United States military members/veterans and their families. They'll be at Penn to commend the Nursing School for its commitment to special training in health concerns specific to veterans and their families, as CBS reports.

W.E.B. DuBois, Penn Professor

(02/23/12 8:42pm)

But how can someone become a professor after passing away in 1963? Because they're awesome. But really, W.E.B. DuBois was awarded Penn professorship on Friday, as Diverse reports. After doing groundbreaking sociological research (funded by Penn) and writing two books (one of which was published by Penn), he was denied a job here at the university in the late 19th century. But after 100+ years, the university's board of trustees appointed DuBois Honorary Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies.

Perelman School Receives (Another) Hefty Donation

(01/19/12 9:54pm)

...and the Med School wins again! The Philadelphia Business Journal announced today that The Perelman School of Medicine will receive $2.5 million over the next five years to fund the study of lung repair and tissue regeneration.  Surprisingly, this gift is only 1.1% of the most recent large contribution to the school, but even the smallest of multi-million dollar gifts helps in the school's focus on chromatin remodeling factors and microRNA pathways (what?). Keep up the good work, Perelman School!

ShutterButton: Students Stand Up In The '60s

(01/16/12 6:47pm)

Instead of spending today skimming that hundred-plus page reading you were supposed to do before your first class last week (oops), take a minute to reflect on what happened 42 years ago right here on campus. Check out this vintage 1968 pic taken at the corner of 36th and Walnut showing Penn African American students protesting the assassination of MLK, Jr. Want more on Penn protests? Check out the University Archives or the Penn Current for more on Penn in the 1960s.
