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Drunk Pledges Are Drunk

(04/02/15 1:28pm)

In an epic April Fools joke, a group of dudes were told that joining a fraternity would be totally fun: parties, yard sales, parties parading as philanthropy, and—most importantly—brotherhood. Joke was on these newbie pledges though, found drunkenly sprawled around the atrium of the bathroom in Stiteler. Who says Penn kids only darty three weekends out of the year? These frosh prove classes don’t have to get in the way of some (peer pressure enforced) shenanigans. It’s like the saying goes: frat ?s who nap together, stay together.

Chasing Amy: CityStepping Out For A Little Philanthropy

(03/24/15 6:01pm)

While you were minding your own business, avoiding flyers on Locust like the plague, our benevolent queen took time out of her busy schedule to chat with members of CityStep. The Facebook event page for Battle of the Dance promises a ratchet time, and we know A-Gut is always ready to get down. Campus is divided on whether Amy will show off her wall twerk, or whether her flawless complexion will cause her to be turned away as underage when she tries to enter The Roxxy.
