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Halloween Party Rundown

(10/29/08 4:00pm)

If you've been on Facebook anytime in the last few days--which, let's be real, you have... many times--you've likely been bombarded with invitations to Halloween parties galore. Consider UTB your friendly social planner; we've compiled all of these Facebook invites for you! Deciding where to go, however, is entirely up to you. Same goes for costumes.

"Hey, Do You Know That Song..." Actually, Yes, We Do!

(10/15/08 4:00pm)

By day, Lauren Lipsay is a Street editor. But by night, she’s Penn’s best (and only) female DJ. In her new feature, Pissed Jockey, DJLips will let us in on secrets and stories from the world behind the turntables. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Okay, rhetorical question; everyone has. But here’s a good one: have you ever had a song stuck in your head whose name you could not, for the life of you, remember? While normal people might be able to brush it off and chalk it up to that bong hit from last weekend, I can’t.
