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(03/18/17 9:00pm)

Coming just a few days after President Gutmann’s announcement that Joe Biden would be returning to campus for another “engaging conversation” on March 30th, a soiled and spraypainted bedsheet hung from the roof at a darty today has revealed that the former Vice President and future Penn professor will also be headlining Spring Fling in April.

Clean Out Your Fridge with These Genius Recipes

(03/13/17 6:30pm)

It happens every semester: right around the halfway point, you give up your syllabus-week dreams of a cheap, healthy, home-cooked diet and take up permanent residence on the late-night Chipotle line. Honestly though, when you’ve got 12 midterms, 100 unresolved mock schedules, a mouse infestation, and a nagging internal void left by the pleasures you gave up for Lent, who has time for meal planning?

Amy Gutmann Spends President's Day in Philadelphia, Is Wowed by City's History

(02/20/17 6:12pm)

Celebrating her University title as well as the founding fathers, Amy Gutmann decided to make the rare trek from her off-campus home to Philadelphia for President’s Day. Unsurprisingly, students ranging from first-years to seniors were charmed and excited to see their ever-elusive leader, many for the first time since their freshman convocation ceremonies.

Hoodie Allen Snubbed at Grammys Once Again

(02/13/17 8:17pm)

Music lovers were shocked and disturbed to learn that Hoodie Allen, esteemed rapper and graduate of our very own University of Pennsylvania (W’10), left the Grammys empty–handed Sunday night. Despite not being nominated in any category, Allen was widely thought to have had the competitive edge in Best Rap Performance, Best Classical Compendium, and Best Surround Sound Album for no one performance, song, or album in particular.
