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#AWKWARD Email Sent To Rodin Residents

(01/19/12 8:39pm)

High rises are big places, which is why we were shocked when one tipster forwarded us this email, written by someone with an impressive ability to beat around the bush (no pun intended, but ew), that asks everyone in the building to keep their noise level down while they're, ya know, with company. Sorry to Harrison and Harnwell for all of the attention we've been giving to Rodin as of late, but at least your residents fornicate quietly. #AWKWARD.

Best Of 2011: E-mails, Etc.

(12/31/11 8:46pm)

UTB loves the Internet. Penn loves the Internet. Suffice to say, we're just one big Internet-loving community filled with a number of people who forget that what you send in an e-mail may be posted on the Internet. Which is why our final Best Of 2011 brings you the best of listserv abuse, e-mail snafus and some all-around gems. Take note for 2012, or odds are high you end up on this very list next year.

Fisher Ranked as #23 Most Beautiful College Library

(12/13/11 9:41pm)

So good luck finding a seat! Just in time for finals mayhem, Flavorwire ranked Fisher Fine Arts #23 out of 25 on its list of Most Beautiful College Libraries In the World. Ordinarily, we'd encourage celebration of this exciting factoid, but chances are the only people who care are those currently in Fisher where studious counterparts are ready to "SHHH!!!!" at even the slightest peep.

How To Beat Listserv Abuse By Abusing the Listserv

(12/06/11 9:59pm)

Let's all shout a collective "UGH" to those kids in our classes who think they can spam the listserv right before reading days in order to make up for not going to class all semester. That's right, we're calling you out! (UKWUR, kisses.) One savvy STSC student finally put his foot down after receiving one favor-seeking e-mail too many by sending the e-mail pictured above. Kudos to you, kiddo. Guard that Information Age information!

Frats Light Up and UTB Hosts a Contest

(12/05/11 5:48pm)

Hello, every fraternity. Trying to out compete one another for the best Christmas light display, à la this movie? We're going to turn this into a little contest. Send us pictures of your houses (preferably when it's nighttime and we can see those dazzling lights), and we'll poll our readers to see which house reigns supreme. Show us your competitive holiday spirit by e-mailing pictures as attachments to tips[at]underthebutton.com by Wednesday at midnight.

Rodin's Improved Elevator Etiquette Guide

(12/03/11 8:04pm)

Looks like our friends in Rodin took some of our suggestions for spicing up their guide to reducing awkward social elevator tension, but maybe they went a little overboard. If we had to generalize the Rodin population using only these questions, it would look something like this: mole-y creeps who like to envision their parents having sex whilst speaking in different languages. They turn these images into magnets that they send to far away lands using unique stamps.* *Intentional dramatization. We love Rodinites.

Red Giants Releases EP

(11/30/11 5:22pm)

Just when you thought the Penn music scene reached its saturation point, out pops another band. Today, Red Giants, a group of six Penn students (including Street ed. Jake Spinowitz), released its EP (which you can download by clicking here). And if you're into the live music thing, the band will also be performing at the SPEC Concerts Penn Music Collective on Thursday.

#What #Is #AfricaOMG

(11/21/11 5:58pm)

Can someone tell us what is up with the recent surge in shocking bathroom decor? The game-show-esque fact above a Williams Hall urinal is actually an advertisement for the Penn Museum's Imagine Africa project. Side note: do not take this as an invitation to attempt to lick your own eyes when utilizing the urinal.
