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Penn Knows Everything

(07/28/11 1:45pm)

At least, that's what it seems like this week. Penn experts were featured in not one, not two, but basically a kajillion articles offering wisdom and advice on just about anything. Here's what we've learned from our resident smarties: Home visits, following up and good communication help hospital patients keep from coming back once they're released. Practical! Don't cite Dr. Seuss. Ever. There's sort of a Wharton high school? Wharton digs a lot more chicks lately. Let's ask a Wharton chick why. A Penn guy debated a Yale guy about who has more money or the debt ceiling or something Drugs on NPR is actually less hippie-dippie than it sounds The whole Netflix thing really sucks Kathleen Hall Jamieson is still the BEST Oh wow, we did something scientific that's definitely cool Now that's News You Can Use (In The News)!

Elephants Manage To Have Social Networks Outside Of Computers

(07/27/11 2:32pm)

Our bio department has really outdone itself in the whole "discovering stuff" scene. Dr. Shermin de Silva's new study on elephants is making its way around the news media like wildfire! She's found that elephants, like Penn students, have tight-knit groups of friends and can differentiate between besties, members of their cliques and lower-tier elephants.


(07/26/11 4:31pm)

My, how New York trendy Philly is becoming. First it was rumors of a Pinkberry (oh well, A for effort?), then we found out Shake Shack was actually taking up shop. Now, as if we weren't spoiled enough, it's just been announced that we'll be hopping on the Crumbs cupcake train! Here's the best part: while they're scoping out Center City for their first post here, "the chain is also is looking into real estate in University City."

Unreal: $100 Cream And Sugar Groupon

(07/18/11 2:04pm)

We've all been there, waking up on a lazy Sunday, surfing through a few channels before deciding on what we really want: a cupcake-decorating party for six to eight people in the comfort of our own home. And what better establishment to provide a mobile baking experience than campus favorite Cream and Sugar? We don't see anything wrong with the $100-for-$200 price tag on this one-of-a-kind experience. Finally there's a Groupon to fulfill this overwhelming consumer demand. Hurry, there's only a day and a half left to buy!

(07/14/11 2:12pm)

Reminder: University City Dining Days Starts Tonight-- Send us what you think! They can be short quotes or your deepest thoughts on your dining experiences. We just wanna know how UCDD went via email, Twitter, or the triumphant return of our tip box.

Spotted On Today: Penn Intern

(07/12/11 6:30pm)

  Don't we all wish our internships let us run around in trendy suspenders (sus-trend-ers, if you will) on national television? The lovely lady on the right in the clip above, a rising College senior, got to do just that. We shortened the video to only show her modeling debut clip, and also because if you had to watch all ten minutes of this "Tuesday Boozeday" segment you'd want to claw your eyes out like we did.

(07/12/11 3:27pm)

The Inside Scoop On Alum Insider Trading-- Ever since Raj Rajaratnam decided to be a modern-day Carl Gugasian, his insider-trading scandal has been a constant presence in our hearts and minds (read: the national media). Peppered with references to other Wharton alums, this 12-page feature in the New Yorker does the best job we've seen of really breaking down the whole situation. Whether you're a casual observer or really into this case, the piece is definitely worth a read.

Our Favorite Thing At Work: Turntable.fm

(07/11/11 3:08pm)

Forgive us if this is old news, but we were so busy jamming our faces off we forgot to tell you about the coolest thing ever to get you through your day. With Turntable.fm, you're magically whisked to a private DJ session with your friends where everyone can contribute songs to the group's streaming playlist online. No matter how far apart you may be this summer, you can pump up the jams and pretend like you're all right back at Recess, Tuesday at Smoke's, or your apartment above that neighbor who plays his music way too loud. There's even public rooms you can "hang out" in if you're not up to the pressure of crafting a set.

We Make It Easy For You To Catch Up

(07/09/11 2:53pm)

You may not have realized it, but today marks the halfway point of summer 2011 (what, we know, that's crazy, etc). Assuming you're moving in at the start of NSO, August 31, there's only 53 days until move-in. And for the 2011 grads, it's been awesome totally lame to still read UTB for 53 days. Whether you're starting summer II or just missed the memo that we've been updating all season, we've got the top ten stories for you to catch up on to be in the know.


(07/08/11 1:43pm)

Today is the last launch of the last space shuttle in the history of America! This is a pivotal moment for those (read: everyone) that once dreamed of being an astronaut. In honor of the occasion, we thought we'd highlight two very special People Who Went To Penn living the dream by being part of a group so exclusive, it makes Sphinx/Friars/Masala/Theos look like the Slavic listserv.

(07/06/11 3:33pm)

If You're One Of Those Still Buys Music Types-- Given the popularity of the time Masala released a single song, we feel obliged to let you know you now can buy Mask and Wig jams on iTunes.

Hope Your Boss Isn't Looking Over Your Shoulder While You Read This

(06/30/11 8:13pm)

A Yale undergrad has produced what has got to be the highest evolution of time-wasting yet: Hardlywork.in. This brilliant site, once it's got your Facebook Connect credentials, converts your newsfeed into a productive-looking Excel spreadsheet. Gone are paranoia and stress-- unless, of course, your company secretly tracks everything you do anyways. If that's the case, you're probably already screwed for checking this site instead of incessantly feeding your soul to the money machine.
