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(09/21/13 2:40am)

Freshmen, Here Are Your Fearless Leaders  President Darren Tommasso will be twerking his way into your hearts for months to come. For the losers, including some of our favorites, all that's left is a regular life devoid of power trips and name puns. Ah, l'ennui. See full results over at the DP.

(09/21/13 1:40am)

Apply to Write For UTB!   If you're so funny that people just can't stand you, then join our ranks. Apps are due Sunday at midnight (like, before it becomes Monday.) Short turnaround time, you say? Welcome to Under the Button, we say. Get at us by applying here.

DuReturn of DuSex in DuWindows of DuBois

(09/16/13 4:53pm)

We're going to level with ya-- we didn't expect this to be a recurring post, either. Sure there were the preliminary sexcapades. Ha-ha, naked people, back to work. Then Ms. Trish decided to issue an Advisory Email that called us names. We ran with it. But now? Again? You DuBoisites must be exceedingly horny / very afraid of window coverings. You do you, DuBois!

Campus Elevator Drops [It] Like It's Hot

(09/08/13 5:36pm)

Last night an elevator full of new Sirens (the lady Glee) stopped in the Sansom West lobby. Then it began to slowly sink. Then it PLUMMETED to the basement---(Pause. Deep breaths. Use inhaler if necessary.) Luckily nobody was seriously injured, and after being rescued by some yummy firefighters the girls went on with initiation as planned. If you need us, we'll be taking the stairs...

DuBacklash to DuNudity at DuBois

(09/04/13 5:29pm)

Notoriously strict DuBois house dean Ms. Trish saw our post about these body-bumpin' Quakers lettin' it all hang out a few nights ago. Just like their mothers would be, Ms. Trish was miffed at the brazen display of human skin to the Walnut Street commercial corridor. She sent out the following house email as a point of caution: Don't worry, readers--even though we are a 'lesser-known publication,' we would like to assure you that 'your business' is our business. Curtains are just symbols of the institutional suppression of natural sexuality, and Tap House is as good a place as any to watch people doin' it.

(07/17/13 4:52pm)

This, Cosi's on Fi-iire A higher power smote the creators of the Squagel this morning. Fire crews responded to a blaze at the Cosi on 36th and Walnut, and the DP has pictures and details.
