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BREAKING: Hack, Hack City, Bitch!

(10/03/12 1:10am)

Seems like a few hackers have gotten all up in Penn's business. A bunch of Penn IDs, email addresses and phone numbers have been leaked and circulated through the interwebs from what appears to be a Penn server. We'd link to it, but we want all the dining dollars to ourselves. For updated, coherent coverage, check back really soon for a link to the DP.

Controversy Erupts Over Penn Prof's Tweet

(09/14/12 9:56pm)

When they're not debating the merits of Twitter, some professors are actually, well, using the site. On Wednesday, Penn professor of Religious Studies, Anthea Butler, tweeted her response to the controversial independent film, Innocence of Muslims (yes, we just linked to Wikipedia—get over it). Butler's tweets suggest a link between the film and the recent attacks on US embassies as well as asserts that filmmaker "Sam Bacile" should be jailed: Good Morning. How soon is Sam Bacile going to be in jail folks? I need him to go now.When Americans die because you are stupid… And people do to jail for speech. First Amendment doesn’t cover EVERYTHING a PERSON says. Butler's tweets received an onslaught of negative attention in the media over the past few days, prompting Butler herself to publish a defense yesterday in USA Today. Still, her interpretation of the First Amendment remains highly contested.

Alternative NSO: If Freshmen, Frats & Franzia Aren't Your Thing

(08/31/12 7:22pm)

With the first night of NSO all wrapped up, you've probably had more underage butts rubbed against your crotch than a shopping mall Santa. If you find yourself suddenly regretting your early move-in, don't fret. Here's a bunch of stuff to do in Philly (and nearby) to occupy you for the remainder of Christmas NSO:

Philadelphia Named Late-Night Capital

(08/09/12 8:46pm)

Philadelphia might not be Pennsylvania's capital city (thanks a lot, Pittsburgh Allentown Scranton Harrisburg), but looks like it'll at least be reasserting its spot as a national capital after some 250 years. The authorities over at Esquire have deemed Philly the Late-Night Capital of the United States. Wow, just one more until we finally catch up to South Africa!

(06/28/12 8:50pm)

Philly Night Market To Haunt Washington Avenue Tonight– So if you're cravin' a lil yummy in your tummy from 6-10PM, check out the numerous food offerings of the Italian Market, Mexican taquerias, Vietnamese superstores, and over 60 street vendors. (You didn't hear it from us, but rumor has it, a rep from our favorite local pop shop might be makin' an appearance, too.)

For Millennial Men, There's No Place Like Home

(06/26/12 2:15pm)

Good news for all the Chazz Reinholds out there! A recent study conducted at Penn by Assistant Professor of Economics Greg Kaplan shows that Generation Y men who live with their parents earn more than lone rangers who opt out of returning to their racecar beds with Star Wars sheets. According to the UPenn study, young men don’t even have to physically relocate Chez Mom & Dad to reap the economic benefits. Just having the option to move back home provided enough of a psychological security net to allow them to be more discriminating about the kind of jobs they accepted, which translates to holding out for positions with higher long-term earning potential. At 23, men who had the option to return to the nest were earning 5% more a month than those who didn’t. This new research is refreshing because it not only casts our generation in a more positive light—slowly chipping away at our lazy, bucket-of-excuses iMage—but it's finally a study about millennials conducted by a millennial himself ! While these two factors might be strongly correlated, we applaud Kaplan for stepping up to the plate to defend us against all the "kids these days" finger-waggers.
