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Freshman Laundry Fiasco Proves That Freshmen Will Always Be Freshmen

(11/11/14 5:13pm)

Look, being an adult is hard. We get it. But one freshman recently took it to the next level, leaving her laundry out for so long that it started to get just a li'l moldy. Why yes, in addition to the bread in Commons being less than edible from time to time, apparently laundry in the college houses can grow mildew. 

(11/04/14 10:53pm)

Election Day Is Today -- For those of you living under a rock: today is Election Day! Get out there and (fucking) vote! Make your voice heard! Take a stand! Exercise your right as an American citizen! Just don't post a picture of yourself wearing an "I Voted Today" sticker because we've seen enough of those on our newsfeeds already!

What's HapPENNing?

(10/27/14 3:33pm)

Well, well, well--Hallo-Homecoming weekend is upon us already! We don't know what scarier: that it's almost November, that we have a midterm the Monday after Halloween, or that we'll most likely find ourselves dressed up as a "sexy" cat, complete with a generic crop top and high-waisted leggings from American Apparel. In the meantime, follow along as we break down all the spooky 'n kooky festivities going on this week. 

What's HapPENNing?

(10/27/14 3:04pm)

Well, well, well--Hallo-Homecoming weekend is upon us already! We don't know what scarier: that it's almost November, that we have a midterm the Monday after Halloween, or that we'll most likely find ourselves dressed up as a "sexy" cat, complete with a generic crop top and high-waisted leggings from American Apparel. In the meantime, follow along as we break down all the spooky 'n kooky festivities going on this week. 

What's HapPENNing?

(10/27/14 1:30pm)

Well, well, well--Hallo-Homecoming weekend is upon us already! We don't know what scarier: that it's almost November, that we have a midterm the Monday after Halloween, or that we'll most likely find ourselves dressed up as a "sexy" cat, complete with a generic crop top and high-waisted leggings from American Apparel. In the meantime, follow along as we break down all the spooky 'n kooky festivities going on this week. 

Hill Is Goin' In

(10/24/14 2:34pm)

And they're going hard. Seriously, after years of being called the worst dorm on campus, Hill is taking the matter into its own hands. We came across this eloquently punny graffiti last night, and instead of being offended, our respect for the building that everyone loves to hate has only gone up. After all, you can just feel the raw emotion that went into this.

What's HapPENNing?

(10/06/14 1:30pm)

Oh snap, it's the first full week of October! Midterm season is winding down (or just revving up, for those of you tortured souls who have exams after Fall Break), and our calendars are seeking to avenge those date nights spent in Huntsman. So, grab your PSL and get ready to Insta the shit out of all the autumnal activities going down this week.

ShutterButton: Laughing Straight To The Bank

(10/01/14 1:57pm)

FBG$. That's certainly the mantra a young Warren Buffett, seen here cheering at a football game circa 1948, seems to be promoting. Like damn, what a badass. That fur stole, those sleek frames, his smug expression, and the fact that he couldn't care less that there's a foxy lady next to him...it all screams unapologetic baller. Alas, as we enter a new month that brings with it midterm hell and unwelcome fall weather, we urge you all to channel your inner Warren. Because Warren, whatever you've got ($64 billion), we want it (okay, we'd be willing to go halfsies).

(09/30/14 10:24pm)

For anyone proud of their V -- No, not that one. We mean vegetarianism, duh! In honor of World Vegetarian Day, select vegetarian appetizers will be on the house at participating Dave Magrogran restaurants, like Doc Magrogan's (in case the name connection wasn't obvious), Harvest (LOL), and Stella Rossa Ristorante (fancy!) tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. "Can't wait for the free hummus at Harvest!"...we say as we chow down on our Bobby's burger.  

The Love Continues To Spread On Campus

(06/05/14 4:52pm)

And we are feelin' it! Following the recent and historic legalization of gay marriage in the state of Pennsylvania, two Penn alumnae decided to put a ring on it. On the steps of College Hall this past Saturday, Drew Tye, C'09, surprised girlfriend Lex Ruby Howe, C'07, with a proposal. And, UTB is elated to report, Lex said yes! We wish you two nothing but the best in your enGAYgment (Editor's Note: EIC Ben Lerner must receive a pun copyright for coining this term) and life together!
