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Sad! This Junior Got Tapped for a Senior Society but Not One of the Cool Ones


Photo by Shoshi Wintman / The Daily Pennsylvanian

Early last Monday, College junior Kelly Tanenbaum was tapped for a senior society, but one of the ones where it’s just cool because you’re in a senior society and not one anyone really pines after. According to anonymous sources the society is “fine” and “not really comparable to Friars.”

“I got the e-mail and was like this is a great first senior society to get tapped by,” said Tanenbaum, who was playing it chill but probably not stoked about the situation. Going forward, experts say Tanenbaum will either be tapped by another, cooler, senior society, which will allow her to say that she was tapped by two senior societies — one of them being very cool — or she will remain only in the “fine” senior society which she probably won’t talk about very often.

"So cool I got tapped," raved Tanenbaum. "Anyone know when Friar's emails go out though?"
