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OP-ED: Just Because It's Warm out Doesn't Mean Professors Should Wear Shorts


The beginning of spring is always a beautiful time of the year at Penn. As the temperature warms up, students are free to spend more time outside, basking in the sunlight and taking in nature. But regardless of how pleasant this spring weather is, for God’s sake, professors can not just be going around showing off those frosty gams.

Professors: you are supposed to be professional academics. Shorts are not professional or academic. If I am expected to proofread an email before I send it to you, you are not allowed to wear shorts. If you’re planning on lecturing to me about quantum mechanics, take yourself seriously and change into some khakis first. 

Quite frankly, anyone over 30 does not look flattering in shorts. No one needs to see your pasty, Mediterranean thighs while you wax poetic about the history of radio broadcasting in America.

I don’t care if you have the sweatiest ankles in Pennsylvania. You have to wear pants. 
