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Duality of Woman! Chloe Went to the Climate Strike but Doesn't Know How to Recycle


Photo by Eliud Vargas / The Daily Pennsylvanian

The past few weeks have been filled with demonstrations to draw attention to the current climate crisis facing the world. From Fossil Free Penn’s demonstrations at College Hall to the Philadelphia-wide walkouts last week, there are many opportunities to go out and show your support for a greener future. 

Chloe Jameson (E ’20) is one of many participants. You can find her sitting cross-legged in College Hall, demanding Penn’s divestment from oil, coal, and gas companies, chanting about the looming threat of sea-level rise. But, what if you ask her which bin to put a crumpled sheet of paper in? Expect a blank stare in return. 

“I promise; I am super passionate about environmental issues,” she said to UTB staff. “It’s just confusing sometimes! Paper and plastic look kinda similar, and I can never distinguish between the bins! Usually, I just pick one and bank on my 50/50 odds of getting it right.” 

Don’t even get her started with compost. “You’re telling me there’s a THIRD option?” She cried. “Oh god. I am getting overwhelmed. And which straws are the bad ones again? I literally cannot remember. I really care, I really really do! I just barely know my left from right, and now you want me to remember that the lid to my Sweetgreen goes into a different bin than the bowl? This is all way too much for me.” 
