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Buy Your Internship! It's Not Like We're In A Recession Or Anything

(03/18/09 5:19pm)

Maybe you've noticed that the economy kinda sucks. Companies can't afford to hire anyone so more and more they're turning to the old standby: the unpaid internship. And when you think about it, everybody wins -- all you have to do is make copies to get a big name company on your resume, and that big name company doesn't have to pay someone to, well, make copies. Since the job market is so awful more people than usual are fighting for the coveted bitch-boy/girl spots.

Penn Using Endowment To Invest In Bayer? A Little More Meningitis

(03/08/09 3:26am)

Somebody on the board of trustees must be in bed with the Cipro manufacturer because Penn just can't seem to escape the little bugger. After last month's mini-outbreak, the University just sent out an email that another undergrad has been hospitalized with a suspected case of meningitis. While this case seems to be isolated from the Valentine's weekend episode, SHS is still offering treatment for any students who are interested and will be open again tomorrow, March 8 from 12pm-3pm.

Lil' Wayne Makes You Go Dummy Fo' Realz

(03/03/09 11:37pm)

CalTech grad student Virgil Griffith has taken two of Penn kids' favorite things to brag about -- intelligence and taste in music -- and put our boasts to the test. In another example of Facebook exploitation, Griffith compared the incidence of artists in students' profiles with the average SAT scores of their respective institutions of higher education. In his own words, “Their unity is hilarity incarnate."

Houston Market: Less Is More, More Or Less

(02/19/09 5:52pm)

Big ups to the university for trying to go green and switching to all biodegradable containers in the dining facilities. But the eco-friendly campaign is kind of like Communism: great in theory, epic fail in practice. At Houston Market, Penn's see-and-be-seen lunch spot, the Playskool-esque blue receptacles resemble a child's toy with their triangular, circular and square holes. Only problem is, those boxes they serve your food in don't fit into any of them.  Whoops.

TIME Takes A Break From Obama Covers To Snub UTB

(02/18/09 2:47pm)

We've already told you: Don't read Under The Button. Just don't do it. Obviously you didn't listen. Maybe your Google Fu is weak and you don't know any other blogs; maybe you have a crush on one of us and hang on our every digital word. There is a big blogosphere beyond UTB; the hard part is figuring out where to go from here. (Is that a sign that the internet is broken?)  Lucky for you, TIME.com has released their First Annual Blog Index.

Obama-San: Yes He Magic!

(02/12/09 4:30pm)

It's clear that Penn is pretty hype about our screen-printed president. But no matter how excited we get about something, those Japanese always feel the need to one-up us, as Boing Boing was quick to note. While here in the States Obama's real hometown was just rated the most miserable city in America by Forbes, in Japan the city that bears his namesake threw down a crazy Obamarama in his honor.

Philly Beer Week, Already Sloppy

(02/10/09 9:46pm)

In honor of Philly Beer Week, SEPTA has been kind enough to run late night trains so as to prevent drunk driving. They even went as far as designing a nifty Beer Week Pass. The skyline in the background looks beautiful –- oh yeah, because it's NOT PHILADELPHIA. Yep, as Philly Skyline pointed out, that's New York. But hey, if you're tipsy and squint hard enough you can pretend. WTG d00dz.
