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Portrait Battle Part 1: Nursing Vs. Engineering

(10/29/09 7:03pm)

One of the dumbest things to argue about is which school at Penn is the best. We're all friends here! Still, we're kind of wondering, you know? So let's figure this out once and for all based on the only logical criteria: portraits of professors hanging in the schools' respective buildings. Fill out the bracket below, start a pool with your friends and check out the first match up, Nursing vs. Engineering, after the jump.

TwitPenn Volume IV

(10/26/09 7:34pm)

People can't stop tweeting about Penn and we can't stop reading what they have to say. Join us after the jump for another edition of PennTwit. This week: nudity and penmanship practice. Yes. UPenn: Not Swat Since 1740. GIRLLLL I SUCK AT TWITTER AND ALSO AT TURNING OFF MY CAPS LOCK!!!!!! WAIT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ABBY!!!!! YOU'RE JUST HER CAT!!!! I GOT A BALL OF YARN IF YOU WANT TO WORK ON THAT THOUGH!!!!!! People always say that you should have fun in college, because you'll regret missing good times with good friends more than you will bad grades on the occasional midterm. What they don't tell you about is the terrible feeling of regret that comes from filling out a Weiss Tech House survey and never cashing in on the prize. Oh, that explains this.

It's The Perfect Video

(10/05/09 4:01pm)

The last time we got atchyou with election coverage, print was still all the rage. But look out, Kasia "Fierce," because MJ Gitter just tore down your trillions of posters in one fell swoop. Don't get us wrong, MJ has posters too. Oh GOD does she have posters. But more importantly, she has a video. If you haven't seen it, that's weird. Watch it toute de suite!
