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Rush Conversation Starters

(01/12/17 9:00pm)

It's sorority rush season, which is really just one big blur of black Canada Goose jackets, the phrase "we were just talking about", and the song "Sorry" by Justin Bieber. All conversations begin with "wow it's so cold/warm outside!", lead to "oh you're undecided? it's okay, you have so much time!" and end with "my coat is the black one with fur". We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way. Here are some rush conversation starters that will 100% get you a bid*:

Most Depressing Places On Campus Volume IX: The VP Basement Bathrooms

(12/11/15 3:14pm)

It's finals season, which means you're likely to spend a lot of time in the basement of Van Pelt...and because all those cups of coffee/cans of Red Bull/other stimulants have to go somewhere, you'll probably spend some time in those bathrooms too. It'd be nice to take a break from it all in a welcoming and hygenic place but that's just not the reality of the situation. 

Starbucks: Your New Favorite Furniture Store

(12/09/15 10:30pm)

If you've been looking for a way to pass the time while you wait for your grande skinny peppermint mocha – which you only ordered to delay studying another 5 minutes – today's your lucky day. Starbucks under Commons is currently featuring a pop-up furniture store, so now you can spend that time shopping for a new love seat instead of swiping through Tinder (which again, YOU'RE ONLY ON to delay studying another 5 minutes). 

Non-Humans Of Penn, Volume II: The Dude On The WWII Memorial

(11/24/15 6:52pm)

"People think, you know, that I don't have feelings because I'm made of stone. But I'm sensitive. My facial expressions don't really change but that's just because I have RSF – Resting Statue Face. I have a lot of feelings. I care so much about the world. But I mean, I haven't always been this way... When I was younger I used to think being a statue meant being strong, stoic. But back in '55 or '56, I hit a turning point, or a shift in how I see myself, I guess. I just remember this girl sitting under me, crying after failing her first calculus midterm, and I felt like I was watching over her. I felt like I was protecting her. And I liked that feeling, it made me feel needed. 
