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Trick or Street!

(10/30/08 2:10pm)

Darkness falls across the land, the midnite hour is close at hand, etcetera etcetera...Happy almost Halloween!  As we were googling "Vincent Price" just now, we totally realized, and pardon us if this was obvious to everyone already, that "Disturbia" is a modern update of "Thriller"!  Just like how "Love Don't Cost a Thing" is an update of "Can't Buy Me Love." (And we're talking about the Nick Cannon/Patrick Dempsey movies, not the songs, FYI).  It's really all coming together today!  And hey, it's Thursday, that means there's a new issue of Street to read!

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: Vote For The Doppelgang-iest Of Them All

(10/28/08 4:30pm)

Though we have sporadic bursts of real-life celeb stalkage, if want to get our voyuerism fix regularly, we have to rely on People.com headlines and another type of people: the kind that just look like celebs.  In that spirit, we present Penn doppelgangers.  They say everybody's got one; here are a few that stood out to us.  Peruse the pictures, and then vote for the pair you think has the clearest resemblance.  (And, psst, do you know someone who should join the doppelgang? E-mail us!)

Alicia Sacramone Parties With Penn Kids

(10/24/08 3:48pm)

A tipster tells us that Alicia Sacramone, Olympic gymnast and fellow Ivy Leaguer (she goes to Brown), made a cameo at Smoke's on Wednesday night. Um, whoa!  She totally won us over this summer, and not just because she's pretty and Ivy League, but also because she seems tough, like that rebel gymnast in Stick It.  And we happen to know that she was in town for a gymnastics event at the Wachovia Center yesterday, so she must have decided to squeeze in some Sink or Swim while she was in Philly.  Smoke's is pretty strict with I.D.'s, but we guess exceptions can be made for Olympians who don't turn 21 until December.  (No such luck for fellow Olympians Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson, born in 1989 and 1992 respectively. And don't even get us started on the Chinese women's team--would they even be able to get into a PG-13 movie?) Anybody have any pictures with Alicia? E-mail us!

Stalk-retary Of State

(10/23/08 3:08am)

Apologies for the lack of posts tonight.  UTB was busy stalking Henry Kissinger, who was on campus for Impact '08.  Our previous knowledge of Kissinger is limited to what we learned from watching that Kirsten Dunst movie Dick, but we found the actual Kissinger to be smart and well-informed.  Governor Rendell, Amy Gutmann, Mayor Nutter, and former Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin also spoke, and the festivities included a highly entertaining "lighting round" between Kissinger and Rubin, in which the secretaries offered concise opinions on Russia, China, Palin and Obama.  Henry K. was the highlight of the evening in our opinion--we even got to bask in his glow up close when we snuck into the Annenberg School's library to check our e-mail before the event started--the building's lobby was being used as a reception area for various V.I.P.'s, and as we walked out, Kissinger was being led in!  As far as political spottings go, it was even cooler than when we saw Michael Nutter at a hot dog stand last Halloween.

We're Throwing a Quinceañera For Metropolitan Bakery

(10/22/08 1:00pm)

Foobooz informs us that Metropolitan Bakery is celebrating its 15th birthday this fall.  They're putting together a calendar full of recipes and customer anecdotes to benefit a local charity--how benevolent of them!  Because of the DP/Street office's close proximity to Metro, many staffers are regulars there, and this affords us a slightly different perspective on their current charitable endeavor: namely that that Metro employees are some of the most bitter and pretentious people we've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.  But still, good luck with the calendar!

If All Your Friends Jumped Off A Voting Booth, Would You Do It Too?

(10/22/08 1:45am)

Penn Leads the Vote's new video just landed in our inbox, and we are quickly becoming obsessed with it.  It's basically a non-musical bipartisan version of Yes, We Can featuring various Big People On Campus.  Some of the boldfaced names include senior class prez Brett Perlmutter, UA bigwig Wilson Tong, women's track star Camille Richard, the ubiquitous and super-smiley Erica Evans, and several former and future Ego's of the Week.  But we think PLtV must have hired some ringers for the video, because we've seriously never laid eyes on some of them.  That British, be-scarfed guy, for example--c'mon, does he really go here?  In any case, it's a fairly amusing video:  first they tell us not to vote, but (~*spoiler alert*~) don't worry, they're just kidding!  Watch out for a UTB parody, coming just as soon as we can get our hands on a video camera.

Bling Bling! Diamonds Are One Penn Couple's Best Friend

(10/21/08 10:19pm)

Little follow-up on that treasure hunt we posted about last week: the hunt went down as planned, sending participants on a National Treasure-esque wild goose chase through Philly.  And who stood victorious at the end?  That's right, bitches, some Penn kids!  Seniors Brett Muhlada and Nancy Duan, who have been dating for three years (cue chorus of "aww's"), were the first to complete the Diamond Dash, and claimed as their reward a $20,000 diamond ring.  Check out a picture of the sickeningly adorable couple: Congrats, guys!  If you end up pawning the ring, you can probably use the money to pay for one semester's tuition.

Gee, Isn't Gmail Swell? Until It Starts Controlling Your Life

(10/21/08 5:00pm)

We were reading The Spin yesterday, as we are wont to do, and we have to agree that Gmail is totally awesome.  But we also have to play devil's advocate for a sec and point out that we sometimes find Gmail a tad bit... oppressive.  In fact, we're afraid it's taking over our lives. Consider this: for the past year or so, we've had a recurring dream about our Gmail inbox.  Nothing much happens, and the whole thing pretty much consists of us either getting or not getting mail, but it is still one goddamn stressful dream!  Because the thing about Gmail is that it's always on.  You don't have to press reload; it updates itself.  You don't have to add people to your buddy list; everyone you e-mail magically appears in your contacts.  If you use Gchat (and more and more people do everyday), your contacts can always tell what you're up to--you can be halfway across the world, but if that green light is on, everyone knows that you're sitting in front of a computer, available for chat.

Our Campus Media Critic Reads The Penn Current

(10/20/08 1:30pm)

With so many publications on campus, we decided it was high time to introduce a media critic. Our critic (or ombudsperson, if you will) aims to sift through all the muck that gets shoved in your face and distinguish that rare quality periodical from the dreck. First Call and The Walk, we're looking at you. (However, the DP is immune because they are infallible kind of own us.)

Phillies To Face Off With a 'Mother Fucking God'

(10/20/08 4:57am)

The Tampa Bay Rays beat the Red Sox to secure themselves a spot against the Phillies in the World Series, and excited Rays fans wasted no time in performing the virtual equivalent of rushing the field:  Wikipedia vandalism.  Check out this screenshot (sent to us by a tipster who called it "the sickest Internet serendipity") of Rays pitcher David Price's Wikipedia page at 11:48 Sunday night (click the picture for a full-size shot):
