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(09/04/10 8:30pm)

We Gettin' Ourselves A Makeover -- Surprise! We've been working hard on redesigning the site and it's finally ready! We're very excited! We're in the process of switching it over and smoothing things out, so don't hate if things look a little funky for the next day or so. We'll give you a full tour when things are up and running properly.

Bloomers Alum To Join 'SNL'

(09/01/10 1:02pm)

Penn alums, living the dream, yet again. This time, it doesn't even involve hedge funds or competing on a Bravo reality show about art or anything! Rather, Vanessa Bayer '04, is joining the cast of Saturday Night Live. Since being the Director of Bloomers, Penn's female comedy group/Mask and Wig rival, Vanessa has spent time at Second City in Chicago, a well-known SNL feeder. Anyway, legit! We look forward to watching.

Penn Drops To #5 In US News Rankings

(08/17/10 4:40am)

It's that time of year, weirdos who drool over meaningless college rankings! Penn has dropped one spot to number 5 in U.S. News and World Report's much-awaited Best Colleges 2011. Harvard, Princeton and Yale predictably retained the top triumvirate (in the same respective order as 2010), while Columbia usurped dear ol' Penn for the number 4 slot we held on to in 2010.
