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Blarney Stone Is DTF

(11/17/11 2:14pm)

Sos and Soda (Have you heard of them? They're really underground. Like, their-mom's-basement underground.) filmed a tasteless music video at Blarney Stone. How did we not catch this before? Everything about this video is...Wow. We're, like, how can– ? How is this even– ? Just watch. You'll see. In any case, catch you all later tonight at Blarney!

(11/15/11 7:21pm)

Get A Discount On Your Ticket To Baths — SPEC Jazz and Grooves' last concert of the semester, featuring Baths, Anamanaguchi and Ki:Theory, will be held on Wednesday, November 30th at the Arch. Tickets go on sale on the Walk for $5 tomorrow (with your PennCard), but if you buy them online within the next 24 hours using the code "bloodflow," you can get $1 off. Nice!

ShutterButton: Princeton Band Wake-Up Call

(11/05/11 3:52pm)

Just try to imagine the pain of those poor souls in the High Rise Field-area who were awakened early this Homecoming morn by the sounds of human orange blazers from Princeton tootin' away on their tubas. They've woken up our scholars, broken into our hallowed halls and seared their garish tartan knits into our young and supple eyes. When will they stop?!


(10/31/11 7:24pm)

Remember when we told you about how Penn Course Review had improved its internal structure by adding in a better search function and other fancy new doodads? Unfortunately, it seems that the new system is fraught with many alleged errors, like listing professors under wrong courses and giving other false information. That ain't right! And yet, these concerns shed light on an even larger issue. The entire concept of PCR is kind of... Well, how much do you value the opinions of other undergraduates when forming your own academic decisions? Professor Max Cavitch of the English Department summed up these concerns quite nicely in an email sent out to English majors today:

What's HapPENNing?

(10/31/11 1:00pm)

Seems like that cold gust of wind that grazed your exposed left nip Saturday night blew us into November. Imagine that! We only have six weeks of class left? Sh, it's not true! To help deal with the pain, we're (once again) presenting you with the best events happening around campus this week. Happy (official) Halloween!

Saturday Night Special: Fire Burning (Harnwell Remix)

(10/30/11 1:25am)

Do you live in Harnwell? (Or a high-rise? Or a dorm? Or, more generally, any inhabitable shelter?) Do you hate fire alarms? And do you love remixes of cheap club classics? If you answered "InTheNameofLuciferYES!" to any and/or all of the previous questions, then you're in luck! Check out the musical stylings of 2403 Productions above in their rework of Sean Kinston's chef-d'oeuvre, "Fire Burning," which pokes fun at Harnwell's love of fire alarms. Enjoy!

What's HapPENNing?

(10/24/11 1:00pm)

Boo! Hiss! Countless Luann! Did we scare you? We hope so. With fright and terror right around the corner, you'd better get used to all things spOoOoOoky! We might say that this is the one weekend of the year when you can be someone you're not, but this is college– and Penn, specifically– and you probably do that every day anyway, so it may be more frightening to go as you are for Halloween. ("Hallowe'en," if you insist.) SpOoOoOoky! Shriek! Eek!

ShutterButton: Beautiful Dreamer

(10/22/11 9:07pm)

So you're sitting in Van Pelt, trying to sound smart on your Blackboard blog post for your writing seminar, and some idiot across the room is snoring...loudly. What do you do? Do you glare angrily? Do you send out an angry tweet? ("@xox_princess2015: some1 is snoring in vp right nao, lol >.< #notwining") Do you hiss as you walk by? Nope, you ask a security guard to wake him up! Duh.

James Franco Is Coming To Penn!

(10/20/11 4:29am)

SPEC Connaissance is bringing in actor, student, professor, mediocre writer, heartthrob, etc., etc., etc., and human being James Franco on November 6th! Tickets will go on sale online starting Thursday– which is today– for $5, and on the Walk  for $10 after October 31st. In the meantime, check out this video of James Franco making out with James Franco. James Franco, everyone!

What's HapPENNing?

(10/17/11 1:00pm)

Look around, friends: autumn is au-pon us! Teehee! See, we just used the first two letters of "autumn" to change "upon" to "au-pon." Wasn't that clever? Tell us we're clever! No! Tell us! We're all only children and we demand attention NOW! Please!? Why are you ignoring us!? Say that we're pretty! Do it! Anyway, what's happening this week?

Looking For Lolita

(10/06/11 1:58pm)

"Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul." We're sorry, did our dramatic reading of Lolita just rouse you from your post-second breakfast nap (people have those, right? Ok)? Well, ladies, if you're looking for your very own Humbert Humbert, just check Craiglist! For the low, low price of the blossom of your youth, you could have your very own "sponsor":
