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Sweeten Alumni House Exists, Gets Fancy New Windows

(10/23/10 8:16pm)

Earlier this weekend, the Sweeten Alumni House got a shiny new copper grill à la Kelis on the side nearest Van Pelt. One question: Why? Not only is this building hardly ever used by students and staff, but the addition seems garish on this otherwise tastefully-designed building. The money spent on these windows could have been used for – Oh, I don't know, maybe beginning to move DRL into the 21st century? Just a thought. But at least we know how our tuition money is being spent. Yeah, so we realized tuition money doesn't actually cover this, but alumni donations do...so, still.

Red Bull Gives You Thiiings

(10/20/10 11:16pm)

This awesome door sign (complete with two free samples) was delivered to some lucky dorm-dwellers courtesy of Red Bull. While we're a little jealous that we didn't receive some free cans of Red Bull ourselves, we're more curious as to why they were given out. Is it some kind of encouragement to study for midterms? Or did a promoter manage to get into one of the residence halls? Conspiracy theorists, get to work.

Let's Talk About Vaginas

(10/19/10 4:44pm)

October's here and you know what that means – auditions for the Vagina Monologues are almost upon us! Yes, this Friday (4-8 PM), Saturday (12-6 PM) and Sunday (10-4 PM) in the Platt Arts House, you can try out to be part of the Vagina Monologues show, which takes place in February. Although no experience is necessary and you need not prepare anything, sources say that having a vagina will definitely work in your favor. Got questions? E-mail them to upennvday2011@gmail.com.

Penn's Top Misnomers

(10/16/10 6:08pm)

The Penn campus and the surrounding West Philadelphia community are comprised of hundreds of buildings, restaurants, mid-century dungeons from hell (DRL) and other sketchy areas. While most of these places are named after rich Wharton alums, some of them have more colorful names. Some of them, in fact, are a bit ironic. Let's explore!

Getting To The Butt-om Of The Issue

(10/05/10 10:35pm)

This sign was seen clogging up the walls of a bathroom in the Quad. Although it's sad that this (toilet) paper needed to be posted in the first place, it's encouraging to know that someone is plunging to the heart of the problem in such a poolite way. The detailed set of instructions after the jump. We're digging the Underpants Gnomes reference. Other things we're digging: the phrase "Keep this toilet flowing free and clean," bathroom etiquette, and the fact that we don't have to use this toilet.

ShutterButton: From Kegels To Bagels

(10/05/10 2:00pm)

Houston used to have a pool where Einstein Bros. Bagels is currently situated? According the University Archives, it did. It seems like it was an awesome place to get your exercise on if you were a male aged 18-22 in the West Philadelphia area circa 1900. But hey, you live, you learn, and you get Lois. Miss Lois, that is. Oh, and for the record, we know that swimming can hardly be considered Kegel-sizing; they just rhyme. (Do we get a gold star for trying?)

(10/03/10 9:51pm)

Breaking news! - The Fair Practices Code committee has come to a decision! Ernest Owens has been disqualified from the presidential race! Fortunately (???), he is still a contender for a coveted seat in the UA. Full details later.

(10/01/10 5:34pm)

Stop, Drop & Polling Booth - Hey freshmen- don't forget that polls close at five! Today is your last chance to pretend to vote for a leader who claims that he or she will maybe potentially possibly make your freshman year better!

Race To The UA 2K10: Youtube N00bz

(09/28/10 2:00pm)

As we continue to wait with bated breath for the results of the freshman election campaigns for the Undergraduate Assembly, the candidates begin to reveal their super-awesome personalities. And what better way to do this (besides putting up posters) than to post videos on the internet? While all the clips are quite riveting, some are clearly better than the others. So without further ado, we present the creative geniuses and technologically-savvy wizards of the freshman class!

You Stay Classy, West Philadelphia

(09/27/10 11:04pm)

Riddle me this: What's smelly, mostly empty, and can be found lying motionless in the street for hours at a time? If you answered "Every Theta at Penn during Fling," you'd be wrong. Rather, the answer is "That Stinkin' Lincoln," the stylish car parked on 37th and Spruce just across from Beijing. Pictured above is pretty much the ultimate vanity plate, and seeing its elegant airbrushed design added just a touch of sunshine to this otherwise miserable rainy day.

Fail Fest

(09/25/10 9:18pm)

These two lovebirds were seen getting wedding pics taken outside of College Hall this afternoon. Because College Hall is, like, beautiful and stuff. Unfortunately, Fall Fest was raging all around them while they smiled and looked purty. Maybe they should've thought about that before they got their hair did.

Class Of 2013 Gets Silly

(09/22/10 6:56pm)

Yesterday, Amy G held a welcome-back picnic for sophomores at her house on Walnut. Besides the obvious delights of a PennPrez party (Free food. Seeing the Mann-Diva herself. Watching Class President Jon Youshaei try to rap.), attendees were handed bags of "Fun shaped Penn Bandz" upon walking in. And as you can see, they're amazing. GO QUAKERZ (not a typo) OF 2013!
