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How to Avoid Meaningful Friendships by Posing as an Exchange Student—And Get Away With It

(10/29/17 3:35pm)

It's happened to us all: you're sitting in class, simply trying to enrich your mind and prepare for your upcoming exams, when a classmate engages you in stimulating, thoughtful conversation. This fucking blows. You've got the social capacity to chat about the weather, the syllabus, or maybe even the meme page. But stuff like thoughts, feelings, opinions, and desires? That's more than you signed up for. 

7 Sexy Halloween Costumes That Will Make Him Say "Aren't You Cold?"

(10/26/17 4:17pm)

Halloweekend is just around the corner, and if you want to get into any party worth going to, you're going to need a costume. But any old ensemble won't do; you have to show a little skin to turn heads! Here are 7 sexy Halloween costumes that'll have your man googling "signs and symptoms of pneumonia" before you can even shout "trick or treat!"

Here's What Your Cover Letter Should ACTUALLY Look Like

(10/12/17 3:04pm)

So, you missed the On-Campus Recruiting boat. "It's no big deal," you surely told yourself, "I'll just find a job the old-fashioned way." But then, your OCR friends started getting job offers. And taking them. Now, their summer plans are taken care of; meanwhile, you're losing sleep contemplating what you'll say to Aunt Lisa when she asks you about your career prospects over Thanksgiving turducken. Great.

Babe Alert! This Freshman Likes Any Kind of Music Except Country

(10/03/17 4:52am)

Lounging on his unkempt twin XL bed in Riepe College House, Bryan Mehrmann (E '21) paused for a moment when asked what kind of music he listens to. A casual observer might guess, based on the posters hung above his bed and desk, that Mehrmann is a fan of Pink Floyd, Chance the Rapper, and the Beatles. But according to the freshman himself, his taste encompasses much more than any straight answer can convey. 

This Junior Took 2 and a Half Semesters of French and Wants You to Know You're Pronouncing "Pret A Manger" Wrong

(09/11/17 3:08pm)

Jack Stokes (W '19) was pleased when he heard that Pret A Manger, a popular chain of sandwich shops, would be replacing Huntsman Hall's Bridge Cafe this fall. Being from Manhattan, where the chain has more than a dozen locations, Jack was familiar with the fast-casual locale. And because he had taken 2 full semesters of French (he claims to have taken another semester, but admits he withdrew halfway through the course), he knew how to pronounce "Pret A Manger" like a true Parisian. But once he got to campus, his excitement faded to disappointment—not in the food, but in the students.

6 Texts You Definitely Sent to Mom in Your First Week of College

(09/02/17 8:40pm)

Heading off to college as a freshman is unlike any other time in your life. It’s a crazy mix of feelings: anticipation, fear, confusion, courage, sadness, and ecstasy. You’re on your own for the first time ever, and the independence is totally liberating. But that won’t stop you from sending some emergency texts to mom when the going gets tough. Whether you’re a freshman ready to hit “send” or a wise old senior looking back on that very first week of class oh so long ago, you’ll no doubt recognize these texts you may have sent (or are currently sending) to the lady who birthed you.

Here Are the Best Startups from the Penn Wharton Startup Challenge

(04/28/17 5:00pm)

Classes may be finished for the academic year, but startup culture at Wharton has no intentions of slowing down. Today, the Wharton School held its annual Startup Challenge Showcase, where the semifinalists across all the Penn schools presented some of the greatest ideas in entrepreneurship right now. What followed was an afternoon of brilliant young minds coming together to pitch innovative startups, hear from impressive panelists, humblebrag about the experience of attaining so much success at such a young age, and of course, network with the best of them. Here are some of the most ingenious startup ideas that made it to the showcase:

MERT Devises New Fling Triage System

(04/20/17 9:13pm)

Spring Fling is practically synonymous with marathon substance abuse and reckless behavior. Most students take the artificially-prolonged weekend as an opportunity to abandon all responsibility, but a brave few volunteer their time and sobriety to clean up the mess. While everyone else was busy designing fling tanks and cultivating enough mass to fill them out, Penn's Medical Emergency Response Team, better known as MERT, spent the past several weeks devising a new triage protocol designed specifically to address the medical disaster that is Fling. 

The Ultimate Guide to Subletting Your Place

(04/08/17 9:01pm)

It's that time of year again. You've just locked down your summer plans and are looking forward to getting far, far off campus. The problem? All the money you're about to make at your summer job (that is, if you even get a paid position) will have to go straight back into rent at your unoccupied pad in West Philly. So you hit up the Free & For Sale Facebook page to throw up an ad. But it looks like everyone else did, too. How will you ever find a subletter when the competition's so stiff?

Got Accepted to Penn? Here are Six Reasons Not to Commit

(03/31/17 6:42pm)

So you got accepted to Penn. You suffered through months of testing, re-testing, reflecting, writing essays, and filling out forms to get that application in. For nearly two decades, your life has revolved around upper-level classes, extra-curriculars, jobs, and leadership positions—all in pursuit of that elusive, life-affirming document: the letter of acceptance. 
