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Spotted: Ashlorette Eating A Sandwich

(07/01/11 1:53pm)

We’ve all been watching closely as Penn dental student and Bachelorette Ashley Hebert narrows down the search to find her one true love (SPOILER ALERT). Exciting though it is to live vicariously through our weekly dose of mock polygamy, we’re still left wondering: is there life after reality television? According to hollywoodlife.com, the answer is yes.

We're Not Sure What Art Is, But This Is Convincing

(06/22/11 1:17pm)

It's no secret that the dudes and damsels of the 19th century were the snarky pranksters of the art world. While shoot offs, naked picnics and drinking games may initially come to mind when reminiscing back on (that cute boy you sat next to during) AP World History, a featured exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art is here to remind you just how much old school style rules (and help you forget how much the painful sting of adolescent rejection drools).

How To Bite Your Bank Back

(06/05/11 2:37pm)

ATTN: WHARTONITES--In what appears to be every future bank employee's nightmare (and every broke kid's wet dream), this Philly native and self-proclaimed vampire somehow succeeded in foreclosing on his local Wells Fargo.  Though the clip is a bit drawn out and was, in fact, featured on Fox, it's worth checking out if you're that pre-frosh who's already started making a list of topics to discuss during ACCT 101 office hours (or if you just want to look at some really cool fangs).
