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The Houston Hall Hora

(01/26/11 8:46pm)

We all knew Houston Hall served many functions--from hosting fright fests to housing a swimming pool to just being the place where you can get your grub on--but until this weekend, most of us didn't realize that the location doubled as a Bar Mitzvah reception hall, too. I guess we shouldn't be too surprised; Bar Mitzvahs are all the rage. Our very own Vanessa Bayer even had hers on national TV just last week!

People Who Went to Penn: Annie Duke

(12/08/10 2:32pm)

Okay, so let's be honest. Penn doesn't exactly have the most badass reputation. Our mascot is the epitome of peace and nonviolence, our YouTube page puts out feel-good after-school-specials like this gem, and even our esteemed title as the Party-Hardy Ivy is slipping (too soon?). Luckily, amidst all the diplomats and scientists and cave dwellers that we've bred in our halls, there's also Annie Duke. Because you know what is badass? Professional poker.
