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ShutterButton: Free Coffee For Friends Of The Environment

(01/27/09 1:09am)

Plastic bags, as part of an installation for the Penn Environmental Group's Green Week, adorn College Green outside of Van Pelt Library. I've always found the use of materials (plastic bags, water bottles, heaping piles of trash) to protest the use of that exact same material (plastic bags, water bottles, heaping piles of trash) to be somewhat ironic, but whatever...

ShutterButton: A River Runs Through Rosengarten

(01/24/09 7:03pm)

I was sitting in the back section of Rosengarten a few days ago, when the usual silence was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of leaking water. I turned around to see this fountain pouring out water onto the carpet, which slowly creeped toward the desks. Van Pelt may have adopted a greener policy, but it won't get any points from Al Gore as long as its faulty fountains are wasting water like Starbucks coffee shops (gross exaggeration intended).
