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There Are Other Blogs Out There Too, You Know: Craigslisting

(11/14/08 2:30pm)

As much as we at Under the Button would love for you to spend all of your time surfing the awesome posts of this awesome blog, the blogosphere has so, so, so much to offer. Therefore, in the spirit of destroying everyone's productivity during the lull between midterms and finals, I would like to share a fun and interesting blog I stumbled upon a few days ago: Craigslisting.

ShutterButton: Phillies Parade, Many Skip Work and Begin Drinking at 8am

(11/01/08 10:23pm)

It is a great week to be a Penn student. It's only Saturday afternoon, and my week so far (which has been very similar to many others) has already seen two back-to-back all-nighters for two back-to-back midterms, the Phillies championship, a riot, a Bloomers show, Halloween, and Homecoming. I haven't had a full night's sleep since Monday night and my body (liver) hates me, yet there is nowhere else I would rather be right now.

ShutterButton: Phillies Win World Series, Madness Ensues

(10/30/08 3:00pm)

If you're a human being possessing minimal cognitive abilities and live in Philadelphia, you, of course, are aware that the Phillies won the World Series, bringing home the city's first major sports title since 1983. I decided to hit up Center City to catch all the post-game action. For a minute-by-minute rundown of the chaos that happened last night, check this out.
