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OP-ED: I Don’t Care That Someone Is Impersonating You on Instagram, and I Will Not Report the Account


Photo from @maurapinder on Instagram and @alexisren / Edited by Maura Pinder

Let me paint you a picture... It's Sunday evening, and I'm sitting in bed scrolling through Instagram stories on my iPhone (13 max pro 256GB) when I see a girl who I know vaguely post a screenshot of an account that seems to be identical to her Instagram account... but with far fewer followers. 

Her story reads as such "GUYS! This is NOT me. Please report this account!"

Immediately I faint. When I come to, I call the Police and say: "We need to get to the bottom of this, @isabella.harrisonn_ is NOT the same as @isabella.harrison."

Just. Kidding.

I do not care. Maybe I am a bad person, maybe one day I will be the victim of a crime just as heinous, and maybe then I will have sympathy for these individuals who have their internet persona robbed from them, but as of now, I do not care. 

I give the new account a follow before I tap past the story. Since when has rooting for the underdog been a crime? I'm not sure why I cannot bring myself to care about this issue, I think it’s probably because I do not concern myself with things like "social media" and "ratios."

I'm the sort of girl who just enjoys putting a pen to paper, nay, putting a quill to scroll and expressing my thoughts the old-fashioned way. I would be much more compelled to report the perpetrator's account if you had reached out to me personally, Isabella. Alas, you made me one of your followers, you minimized me and made me feel SMALL. I will not be made to feel like something I am not. I am not a part of your throng of loyal supporters, I am a person first, a fan second.

My phone buzzes. "@isabella.harrisonn_ has requested to follow you back."

Tonight, I will sleep like a baby.
