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Hill Room 507 Named in Honor of Stingy Donor

(10/16/17 3:31am)

All Tim Peterson (C '85) wanted was to be memorialized in Penn history. He held Jon Huntsman, David Rittenhouse, and Ron Perelman in great esteem, and wanted to join them as a part of Penn’s campus. An alum of the University and a successful businessman, Peterson had exhausted all but one item on his bucket list: to have a building at his alma mater named after him.

This Student Was Elected to Represent the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Then He Transferred to MIT.

(10/02/17 5:35pm)

All newly elected Class Board Engineering Chair Peter Wilson (E’ 20) wanted was to serve his engineering class. He campaigned hard with concrete, positive goals, and was lauded by his classmates as a candidate with a strong vision and detailed steps to get him there. Naturally, he was voted into office and began his Engineering leadership immediately.
